Baby Maple Tree

On Friday, Henry and I dropped the twins off at kindergarten, and we were walking back to our car. The path from the kindergarten to the parking lot is edged by a rock wall. And in a crack between two rocks, we saw a baby maple tree.

It couldn’t live there: there wasn’t enough room or enough dirt anyway, and that’s if the person who tends that path didn’t pull it out. So we pulled it out. And we brought it home and planted it in a big pot, and we will see.

I had Elizabeth put her hand there for scale,
even though Elizabeth is not otherwise part of this story,
because Elizabeth happened to be outside
when I realized I wanted a photo for this post.

16 thoughts on “Baby Maple Tree

  1. Beth (A Mom's Life)

    My husband took some acorns from his home in Massachusetts and planted them this spring in a pot here in NC. He just transplanted the two that grew the largest into our yard. They are both about a foot tall now. We have high hopes for these trees!

    Good luck with yours!

  2. StephLove

    We have an oak tree, about two feet tall growing right at the edge of our driveway. I often think of trying to replant it in the middle of the yard. Kudos for actually doing it and not just thinking about it.

  3. Sarah

    We got married on July 1 which is Canada Day. We had a huge maple tree in our front yard, so I let the little maples that seeded grow on our lawn, then transplanted them and put them in little pots as our wedding favours. We also planted one for ourselves in a giant pot in the back yard and 9 years later it is really tall and doing well (still in the pot though)

  4. Saly

    How cool! We just had our very old and rotted maple tree cut down, but we are talking about growing a new one too.

    My word verification is “sophie”. I’ve never had it be a name before!

  5. wisdomandpeace

    Cute! Does that mean your new pink camera came?

    P.S to Saly: wish that had been my word verification–my 7-year-old’s name is Sophie!

  6. JackeeG4glamorous

    maple trees are pretty easy to grow. but they are a p.i.a. when they get bigger – what with the whirly bird seeds that spew all over the place from them and clog up your rain gutters. My family once grew one tiny like that in a coffee can in the back yard, transplanting it at about 3 or 4 feet tall. It’s now about 30 feet tall or more, HUGE with all kinds of shoots, we’ve had to trim it back a dozen times. It’ll be great fun for your family to watch it take root and grow!

  7. Party of 5

    The only reason you found your old camera is because you bought a new one. That’s how it works.

    LOVE the tree idea. We plant and grow and rescue lots of things around here. Hope your tree grows happily.


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