Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to us all, and I hope you are having the kind of Valentine’s Day you prefer! I brought Fun Dip classroom valentines to work, feeling a little silly but then glad I’d done it. One coworker said “Ah, this brings me back to my youth!” and we had a pleasant talk about […]

Valentine’s Day Plans

Oh good morning! It is February! Didn’t it seem as if all the jokes about January were absolutely true? I missed half of it by being sick and it still felt as if there was another six weeks left to get through before it was done! February 1st is a good opportunity for me to […]

Mother’s Day Plans

I am very late to this post, really TOO late for practical purposes—but I was distracted by college-selection stuff and then I was out of town (my brother and I went on a fun quick trip to see our parents), and so it is only now I have thought to say this: If you are […]

Safety-Pin Heart Earrings

I bought some earrings on clearance. I very nearly did NOT buy them, because they were the only thing I’d found on a trip to TJMaxx, and for whatever reason I dislike buying Just One Thing, especially when I’m still pushing around the entire optimistic-and-now-ridiculous shopping cart. But I was persevering in overcoming that feeling […]

Co-Worker Holiday Gifts

My workplace has what I consider the perfect balance of co-worker gift-giving at Valentine’s Day and in December, which is that maybe half of the people do little gifts: that’s enough involvement that I don’t feel silly if I feel like giving other people little gifts (this past Valentine’s Day I taped foil-wrapped Dove hearts […]

Wedding Present Talk

I found out this morning that one of my cousins eloped with her fiancĂ©, which was very fun news to see on Facebook first thing in the morning—tons of “WHAT???? CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!” comments. Now I wish to buy her a wedding present, but (1) they do not seem to have a registry and (2) they are […]

Valentine’s Day

I continue to find it satisfying to do a pick-and-choose Valentine’s Day each year, based on inclination and mood. Last year, which was the first Valentine’s Day of the pandemic, I felt like buying cozy/at-home Galentine’s Day gifts and leaving them sneakily at local friends’ houses, and doing a Galentine’s Day care package giveaway that […]