Baby Girl or Boy Ke@ting, Sibling to Aurelia (Goldie): Coordinate with Sister’s Name or Sister’s Nickname?

Hello Swistle!

I am very excited to be able to write to you with my baby name conundrum! We are expecting our second baby in early March — the sex will be a surprise. We have one daughter, her name is Aurelia Mae but we exclusively call her Goldie, and she is a Goldie through and through. Our surname is Ke@ting.

I’d love for the siblings’ names to match but not TOO much, if that makes sense. For instance, I really like names like Ruby, Pearl, and Opal but gemstone names might be a little too much with Goldie. I also love the idea of saint names, but have a hard time finding actual saint names that I like — it turns out that there was a Saint Aurelia, but that was accidental and I only figured it out after Goldie was named. The other issue with matching siblings names is, which name do we try to match the style of, the given name or the nickname? I feel like Aurelia and Goldie are pretty different in style.

I would love suggestions for names of both sexes, but boy names are particularly difficult for me. If Goldie had been a boy, her name would have been Jasper, and that is still definitely a front-runner for a boy for me. However, I would like some other candidates since I keep hearing about dogs named Jasper and it’s starting to sound like a dog name to me.

I would love you and your readers’ input!



The nickname/name coordination issue is an interesting one. In GENERAL, I like to coordinate the given names and let the nicknames land where they may. When nicknames are rhyming, clashing, or cutesy, it doesn’t matter nearly as much to me as it does when it’s the given names. I might still personally prefer to avoid a rhyming/clashing/cutesy nickname pairing, and I’d hope to think of any issues ahead of time rather than run into them later by surprise, but it’s a much milder preference.

Did you intend all along to call Aurelia by the nickname Goldie, or did it just happen? If you always intended to call her Goldie, or if it just happened but you feel that’s more your real style, then I would aim for similar names for future siblings: either Aurelia/Goldie combinations for all, or coordinating all the names with the name Goldie. If you intended to call her Aurelia and the nickname just happened, but you still feel Aurelia is more your style, then I’d start with names more like Aurelia and see if a Goldie-type nickname works/happens.

All right, let’s find some possibilities to consider. I think you are absolutely on track with options such as Ruby and Pearl and Opal: those have the same pleasingly antique sound as Goldie, plus the sass. More:

Sadie (repeats ending of Goldie)
Trudy (repeats ending of Goldie)

I feel particularly fond of the name Sally. I would so love to meet a little Sally. And with your surname: Sally Ke@ting! I feel a little faint with love.

I am less certain about names to coordinate with Aurelia. I looked it up in The Baby Name Wizard to see where the author puts it, and she says it’s “a romantic relic of ancient Rome” and that it had “a Victorian-era revival.” Ohhhhhhh, and she notes it comes from a Latin word for golden! Ah ha! I see what you did there! So let’s add another naming path possibility for you, which I am not going to try to follow but maybe you would want to: finding another longer name with a Latin-word-base-related nickname!

Back to the Baby Name Wizard. The author suggests sister names such as Lavinia, Aurora, Adelaide, Eleanora, Emmeline, Theodora, Beatrix, and Viola; and brother names such as Lucius, Sebastian, Rupert, Hugh, Edison, Augustus, Conrad, and Elias. I am all-in on Lavinia: it’s another name from ancient Rome, and it’s great with your surname and with the name Aurelia. You could go with a nickname such as Liv or Livvy or Vinnie. Lavinia Ke@ting; Aurelia and Lavinia; Goldie and Livvy.

For boy names, I’m less sure of your style. The names I think of when I think of Jasper are names such as:


Or you wouldn’t want to go for something like Alfred or Albert, would you? I have a soft spot for those names and I’m hoping they’ll come back soon.

When I hear that people have given “dog name”/”stripper name” feedback on other people’s name choices, I wonder what on earth the feedbackers were thinking. I reluctantly agree that there are certain names I might privately feel that way about (Fido, for example, would ring a “dog name” bell in my mind whether I wanted it to or not, even though I’m not sure anyone IS naming dogs Fido anymore), but in general I think what happens is that people tend to give their pets names that they like, and so a certain percentage of those pets end up with names that are currently in style for people. Sometimes the trend in pet names is a little ahead of the trend in people names, because a name that is just about to come back into style has a certain sound that feels pleasingly whimsical/unusual/amusing/formal/silly: I named two cats George and Oliver because I thought I’d never want to use those names for actual children; a decade later I had an entirely different feeling on the topic, and wished I’d gone for names I’d ACTUALLY never want to use for actual children, such as Mittens.

Anyway. There are dogs named Jasper and Max and Jake and Sophie and Charlie and Bella and Sam, and there are people who enjoy telling people about their pets’ names (look at me with my George/Oliver story), but those two things don’t make the name Jasper any less usable for a human baby. I can picture meeting a baby named George and saying, without it first going fully through the brain-to-mouth filter, “Oh! I had a cat named George!”—but without AT ALL thinking George was “a cat name” or that it was weird on a person. Just blurting out the connection with recognition and delight, and without considering that perhaps a better reaction would be “Oh! I love that name!,” and maybe save the cat-name story for another time. Or I can picture anyone, when asked to consider a name candidate, doing so by going through a list of associations that included movie/TV characters, book characters, examples of the name being used in their social circle, and ALSO mentioning that they’ve heard it on two dogs and a cat; I personally would leave out the dog/cat detail, but I can picture someone including it in the research data. I think people who instead raise one nostril and say, “[Name]? That’s a DOG name,” about a name that is known to be used for humans, should no longer have the privilege of hearing other people’s baby name candidates.

…Oh. Wait. On re-reading, I see it’s not so much that people have been doing this to you, but more that you’ve been encountering dogs named Jasper. Well. Ahem. My rant is perhaps misapplied in this exact case, but if people WERE telling you it was a dog name, THEN I WOULD HAVE YOUR BACK.

Jasper is a semi-precious stone, but I’m not sure that is common knowledge. I do know it, and would probably not think anything of siblings named Goldie and Jasper; or I might think, “Ah, what a pleasing and subtle tie-in!” I think it’s great with your surname, and a very good choice.




Name update:

Hello Swistle!

I have a name update for you! Thanks so much to you and your readers for your suggestions, they were so much fun to read and provided a lot of great ideas. Our little girl was born on March 6th in a very exciting, barely-made-it-to-the-hospital fashion. We named her Clementine Mary Ke@ting — photo is attached!

Thanks again,

41 thoughts on “Baby Girl or Boy Ke@ting, Sibling to Aurelia (Goldie): Coordinate with Sister’s Name or Sister’s Nickname?

  1. Renee

    I know only one Aurelia, who goes by Ay@. Her sisters are Henriett@ (H@ttie) and Esme. I think Jasper is perfect. It’s actually become quite popular where I am in Canada, I know 4 under 2yo. But we’re close to a place called Jasper, so that could account for it.

    I think Swistle is dead-on and I’d like to hear your response. Are you looking for a Wilhelmina nn Mimi or a Juno?

  2. Jd

    Oh this is fun! What about:
    Minerva nn Minnie
    Colette nn Coco
    Susanna nn Suki
    Beatrice nn Trixie
    Bridgette nn Birdie
    Felicity nn Flicka or Flick
    Dulcie. Nn Candy
    Fortunata nn Lucky

  3. Lauren

    Classicist here, going all-in on the Latin theme!

    For girls, I love Swistle’s suggestions of Lavinia/Vinnie and Beatrix/Trixie (or for the Latin meaning, Happy?). Other modern names with strong Greek/Latin roots/meaning: Felicity (Lucky?), Patricia (Patsy?), Daphne (that one doesn’t really have good nicknames, but I think it fits with both Aurelia and Goldie?), Octavia, Cornelia, Philomena…Cecelia is a good saint name that comes straight from Latin, but the root is less than ideal—but Goldie and Cece sound good to me!

    For boys, I love Augustus, who could be called Gus. Felix, Victor, Evander, Fabian, Horatio, Maximus, Julian…

    This is probably way too Classical, but it was a fun exercise!

    1. BSharp

      I love your list! Other ideas in that vein:

      Marcheline / Marcelline / Marcella

      Hilaria (Lark) — saint, name means cheerful


      Emilia (Millie) — saint

      Isadora (Sadie) — saint

      Delphine (Fi)

      Evangeline *not actually classical, but lovely, and could honor any of the 4 Evangelists

      Juliet (Jet) — saint Julitta or Julia or Juliana, which are also lovely names

      Letitia (Tish)

      Amabel — saint Amabilis


      Anysia — saint


      Theodora (Teddie, Dot, Theo, Dora) — saint


      Claudia — saint

      Lydia — saint

      Valentine — saint

      Helena or Hélène — saint

      Irene — saint

      Anastasia — saint

      Philippa (Pippa) — saint

      Junia — saint

      Lucienne — saint

      Veronica (Ronnie) — saint

      Lucille — saint

      Hermione (Mimi) — saint

      Thirding Beatrix, which is also a saint’s name.

  4. Margaret

    If given a choice between formal or nicknames coordinating, I agree with Swistle that I would prefer that the formal names coordinate more than the nicknames, but I’m intrigued by the idea of finding other pairings like Aurelia/Goldie. How about these?

    Marguerite/Daisy or Margaret/Pearl (These are my favorites for you!)

    1. Jude

      What a great list! Margaret nn Daisy is my absolute favorite; you nailed the creative nickname, plus its a saint name! Pearl is cute, but I find it a little too matchy with Goldie.

      I would actually tweak it to Marguerite. Aurelia & Marguerite, Goldie & Daisy. Elegant, classic names, adorable and spunky nicknames.

      1. Jude

        I just reread your comment and realized you already said Marguerite instead of Margaret! I’m really not on top of things this morning.

    2. beep

      What about Aurora nn Dawn? Aurelia & Aurora are a lovely match, and Goldie and Dawn are too. That’s my favorite.

      I also like Vera or Verity nn True and Marguerite nn Daisy. Overall I love the thought of longer more melodious Latinish formal name and meaning-related sassier shorter Englishish nickname.

      You could also think about Sylvia as a style match with Aurelia and a subtle match with Goldie because of its similarity to the sound of Silver.

      For boys, I think it would be hard to beat Jasper. I don’t think of it as a dog name at all.

  5. Eva

    Aurelia nickname Goldie is to perfect for words!! I love Lavinia! You could also call her Vinnie or Vivie. Love the suggestion of Flora, Nickname Flo!!

    Other ancient Roman names I love (+ nicknames!)
    Flavia (nn Vivie)
    Camilla (nn Millie) (she was a warrior princess in the Aeneid)
    Junia (nn Junie/June)
    Lucia (nn Lulu/Lou)
    Marina (nn Marnie)
    Severina (nn Vera)

  6. TheFirstA

    So, I’ll try to break down my thoughts, as I think there are really a number of questions going on.

    1. I would prefer to match name style by given name. I don’t think nicknames are as much of an issue (barring overly rhyming ones like Will and Phil). It’s easy to scrap a nickname if/when it no longer works, and sometimes nicknames are family-use only, which means other people are unlikely to know or care what they are.
    2. Since Goldie is used exclusively, I would personally try to void any gem/color related names or nicknames, just in case. However, I would not be too concerned if a color/gem type nickname happened organically. I’ll also point out that if you do something intentionally super-themey now (like matchy the style of given and nickname), you could be boxing yourself in if there is ever a 3rd or 4th baby.
    3. To match Aurelia, I’d look for more flowy/feminine names with some history behind them; Guinevere, Ophelia, Phoebe, Julia/Juliet.
    4. To mach Goldie, I’d look more for vintage/spunky feeling names, perhaps with a history as nicknames: Maisie, Dolly, Mamie, Frankie, Birdie, Flossie.
    5. I think it’s possible to find something that would sort of bridge the style gap between Aurelia & Goldie, and I think that category might be worth exploring. I’d look at names that feel spunky and are perhaps more on the short/sweet side, but with a vintage vibe. Something that used to be a nickname but has moved over to use as an accepted given name could also work: Flora, Lilly, Cleo, Molly, Ivy, Vera, Eliza.
    6. Jasper is not a dog name, more a human name that is sometimes used on dogs. I think there is a big difference, and personally wouldn’t think much of it. My family has always used more human-names on pets (i.e.; Charlie, Maggie, Sebastian, Rory, Leo, Max) so the fact that a name maybe has been used on a dog doesn’t really bother me. True “dog names” are things like Fido, Patches, Buddy, or Spot.

    1. Rachel Bee

      My family has also had pets names Charlie, Leo and Max! Now we have a Sally :) But I totally agree that those are human names used on pets, not vice versa. That said, I know my sister (Sophie) got VERY tired of hearing “oh, my dog is named Sophie!” so frequently. If you know a lot of (young) dogs named Jasper that your future son would interact with in his life, that’s something to take into consideration.

      1. TheFirstA

        Ha! I also had a dog named Sally once, but left her out of the list. I haven’t met a pet named Sophie, but my brother and SIL have an Emma. Seems similar in use to Sophie. I tend to use a lot of people names on pets as a way to use up some of my favorites. My name lists have always been much longer than the number of children I’d realistically consider having

    2. beep

      re #2, usually I am all about not boxing in, but I think the theme of longer fancier given name and meaning-related-to-given-name shorter nickname is so expansive that it isn’t a problem. Even using a gemstone to me wouldn’t be that big a deal since gold isn’t a gemstone, and the next girl that comes along could easily be a flower/plant or a virtue or a natural feature like Sky, Dawn, Ocean, Star etc. and it would still match.

      Speaking of Star, what about Estelle, Estella, or Stella with nn Star? Is the connotation of “gold star” fun or too much? I think fun.

  7. Sargjo

    Love Marguerite nn Daisy! I also love the nn Birdie and tried to think backwards from it. Not much success, but then I found Paloma, Latin for dove. Does Paloma appeal? Not a saints name but has religious connection if wanted.

    For boys I’d totally add Arthur nn Bear. Is Goldie and Bear too much or too awesome? Can’t decide.

  8. Emarie

    What about Lucia, nn Lulu? Lucia is a saint name, so that fits and I think the name/nn work well with Aurelia/Goldie. Goldie and Lulu

    Jasper is one of my favorite boy names. I think it is perfect with Goldie. Also love Joaquin, which sounds great with Aurelia or Goldie.

  9. Alexandra

    I love Goldie as a nickname for Aurelia! Would you consider Adelaide, called Lady, for a sister? Goldie and Lady share some sounds, but seem like a great pair of sassy sisters!

  10. Jd

    Boy suggestions where nickname reflects the meaning
    Warren nn True or Loyal
    Raphael nn River
    Fredrick nn Dov (or Dove or Pax)
    Arthur nn Bear
    ALfred nn Noble

  11. Erin Beth

    For a sister name, my vote is for Augusta: Aurelia and Augusta/ Goldie and Gussie!!! I like Jasper or Edmund for a boy.

  12. The Mrs.

    I’m writing this without reading any other responses, so so for any repeats!

    For a son, do you like Clifford with the nickname of Clay?
    Or Rockwell with the nickname of Jet?

    For another daughter, how about Roxanna with the nickname of Dawn or Sunny?
    There’s also the option of Margaret with the nickname of Pearl. Iolanthe could go by Violet.

    You have cool style! Best wishes as you welcome your new little one!

  13. Kim C

    Marguerite with the nickname Daisy is just so perfect, not only the French name for the flower but also a saint!

    Birdie is also great! A nickname for Elizabeth, also a saint, and you could use the Latin form of Elisabetta as a sister for Aurelia. Love!

    Good Luck!

  14. Kim C

    I’d also like to suggest Elena nn Nellie/Nell and Clementine nn Minty.

    I also know a Felicity with the nickname Fliss. Cute!

    Jasper is a wonderful name btw.

    What about Reuben/Ruben for a boy? My daughter knows a Ruben with the nickname Ruby!


  15. Emi

    Latin and/or saint and/or vintage – really hard to hit that trifecta.

    Alethea nn True (Greek, not Latin)
    Amabel nn Love (Latin)
    Carys nn Love (Welsh)
    Clementine nn Mercy
    Columba nn Dove
    Josephine nn Posey
    Persephone nn Persy (again with the Greek)
    Philippa nn Pippa (Pippa sounds spunky like Goldie, but the meaning of the name – something about horses – doesn’t lend itself to a good nickname)
    Poppy (sounds nickname-y but can’t think of a longer version)
    Saskia nn Saski (Dutch – I just like it because it’s sassy)

    From upthread, there are a ton of good suggestions, but I especially love Augusta (Auggie or Gussie) and Swistle’s suggestion of Lavinia.

    Also, if you like Ruby, Opal, and Pearl, go for it. Goldie and a sister named Ruby/Opal/Pearl wouldn’t be over the top for me.

    For boys, Swistle is right on (as usual) about Jasper. It’s a subtle connection, but it’s there and I really appreciate it.

    This game isn’t as much fun for boys for whatever reason. The only one I can think of is Peter nn Rock … and I like Peter a lot better than Rock. Maybe it’s because boy nicknames are harsh and spiky, not spunky. Boy names are so serious – I’m having a hard time thinking of one that has Aurelia’s history and gravitas and Goldie’s sense of adventure. Felix? Xavier? Peregrin nn Pippin (totally stole that from Lord of the Rings)? Christopher nn Kit? Edward or Theodore nn Teddy?

  16. Jean C.

    I love the suggestion of Beatrix. Goldie and Trixie! Or maybe Goldie and Bea. Both so great. I also thought maybe Bridget, nn Birdie. Or Francesca, nn Frankie?
    I think Jasper is great. You should use Jasper. But if it’s just not appealing anymore, maybe Xavier? St Francis Xavier could be a connection. X or Xavi (zah-vee) for nicknames. I also like Felix, maybe with Fox as a nickname?

  17. JMV

    Oh, what a fabulous formal name / nickname combo. I love the idea of continuing this and don’t think you would get boxed in at all. To keep my thoughts organized, I’m going to write it out like this:
    Formal name (meaning) – nickname, so here we go!

    Aurelia (Golden) – Goldie;
    Jemima (Dove) – Dovie, Birdie
    Beatrice (bringer of happiness) – Bliss, Blythe
    Vera (truth) – Trudy
    Aurora (dawn) – Dawn, Sunny,
    Roxanna (dawn) – Dawn, Sunny

    Peregrine (falcon) – Birdie
    Ignatius (fire) – Blaze
    Fletcher (arrow maker ) – Arrow
    Jasper (gemstone) – Stone (I think Goldie and Stone seems a bit too much like tires)

    Not tied to meaning:
    Bernadette –> Betty
    Wilhelmina–> Minnie
    Dorothy – Dotty

    1. Holly

      Yes! This is what I was hoping somebody would do! I will add Susanna called Lily and Regina called Queenie. Clementine called Mercy? Gretchen called Pearl?

  18. Vesna

    Oh I feel like we have some overlap in our tastes in names!

    I would coordinate with Aurelia, not the nickname. The nickname I find somewhat unpredictable and depends on the child’s personality.

    Seraphine (my own current favorite). Pretty sure there are some saints with this name too.
    Zora (means “dawn”)
    Cecilia or Cecily.. Or Cecil

    I might look up ancient, mythical, or ethereal or obscure biblical names.
    And I would avoid, or perhaps find more subtle versions of gemstones, I agree it would feel too much with Goldie.
    I hope you’ll give us an update :)

  19. Maree

    I haven’t read the comments but your daughter’s name made me think of the periodic table. I had a quick look and there are heaps of options there…

    What about Iris which inspired the name of Iridium (Ir on the table). I think the Au / Ir link is really cool.

    Or… Selena (Selenium)
    Lawrence (Lawrencium)

    Just a thought that appeals to the geek in me!

    1. Maree

      Same male saints of the early latin church with cool names:


      For a Gold link what about Caspar? Caspar is traditionally the wise man who bought the gold to the infant Jesus (he isn’t named in the bible though). I think that is a very subtle link that would appeal to name nerds (me…it appeals to me!)

  20. Evie

    Dulcie or Dulcinea nicknamed Candy! Heart eye emoji!!

    Sylvia nicknamed Woody
    Diana nicknamed Hunter
    Asimina is Greek for silver
    Melissande nicknamed Honey
    Someone mentioned the nickname Poppy, which is Greece is used as a nicknamed for Calliope
    Timothea nicknames Honor
    Xanthe nicknamed Blondie or Blanche

    Some names I think go well with Aurelia/Goldie but I can’t think of pithy nicknames:
    Agatha (Aggie)
    Cassandra (Cassie, andie)

  21. Jillio

    Lucia nn Lux
    Xanthe nn Flax(ie)
    Lorenza nn Laurel
    Regina nn Queenie
    Columba nn Birdie/Dove

    Pascal (nn East)

  22. Edie

    Loads of great suggestions! Really like the idea of nicknames drawn from meanings. I’ll add:

    Anthea (flowering), nickname Blossom

    Calandra (lark), nickname Lark or Birdie

    Danica (morning star), nickname Stella, Star, Dawn, Dawnie


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