Baby Girl or Boy Wolfe, Sibling to Caden and Copeland

Hello! I am in a bit of a bind and would love some input! We have two children.. And boy and a girl. We are about to add our final addition in April! This last pregnancy was a bit of a surprise so now we are having trouble thinking of names! Our little boy is named Caden and his little sister is named Copeland. Now I sort of feel like we have to go with another C name so they won’t be left out. I’ve always loved C names and for me it’s easier to narrow it down to one letter anyways instead of going through the whole alphabet! Our last name is Wolfe if that helps at all.
Here are some of our ideas that either I love or my husband loves.. None so far that we both agree on..

Obviously most are probably boys names.. But we do also like gender neutral names as well. As far as middle names we are at a loss. Lol
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.
Alison Wolfe


My guess is that you have been through the C section of the baby name book so many times that the letter C is looking like a weird shape instead of a real letter, so on one hand it’s unlikely I’ll suggest anything you haven’t already thought of. But the last time we did a post like this for a name with another first letter, I was very surprised to see how many great choices came up in the comments section—plenty of names I hadn’t seen in the baby name book. So let’s see if that happens again! (Also, I will link here to the post we did on the name Cohen, in the hopes that it will not have to be rehashed in this comments section: Baby Naming Issue: Cohen)

One thing that makes this a little tricky for me is that the name Caden is so relatively common when all the spellings are combined (and feels even more common because of the prevalence of the Aiden/Braden/Hayden/Jaden names), and the name Copeland is so relatively uncommon. One strategy would be to make it a boy/girl thing: if you have a boy this time, use a more-common C name; if you have a girl this time, use a less-common C name. Another strategy would be to look for a name that bridges the gap a bit: neither common nor uncommon. A third strategy would be to ignore popularity. I think I will use that third strategy, in order to cast the widest net; then if popularity is/becomes an issue, you can use the Social Security website to filter the names further.

Another issue is hard-C versus soft-C. Do you want them to all start with the same hard-C sound, or would Cecily and Cyrus and so forth be options? Again, I will include both, and let you apply a filter if necessary.

Another issue is that the name Copeland feels so unisex. It makes me reluctant to suggest a very girlish name, especially a traditional girlish name: would Caden, Copeland, and Catherine make it seem like the safe guess was that Copeland was a boy? It is hard to know, and hard to know how much this matters in an overall way, and I don’t know whether it matters to you two in particular. But here are some examples of names I left off the list: Camilla, Catherine, Clarissa, Caroline, Cassandra, Cecily, Charlotte, Claudia.

In general I avoided one-syllable names, especially with your distinctive surname: Cale Wolfe, Clay Wolfe, Chase Wolfe, Cash Wolfe.

Cable; Caden, Copeland, and Cable
Calder; Caden, Copeland, and Calder
Calista; Caden, Copeland, and Calista
Callahan; Caden, Copeland, and Callahan
Callan; Caden, Copeland, and Callan
Calliope; Caden, Copeland, and Calliope
Callum; Caden, Copeland, and Callum
Calvin; Caden, Copeland, and Calvin
Cambria: Caden, Copeland, and Cambria
Cameron; Caden, Copeland, and Cameron
Campbell; Caden, Copeland, and Campbell
Carlisle; Caden, Copeland, and Carlisle
Carlson; Caden, Copeland, and Carlson
Carrigan; Caden, Copeland, and Carrigan
Carrington; Caden, Copeland, and Carrington
Carson; Caden, Copeland, and Carson
Carter; Caden, Copeland, and Carter
Casey; Caden, Copeland, and Casey
Chandler; Caden, Copeland, and Chandler
Channing; Caden, Copeland, and Channing
Chapman; Caden, Copeland, and Chapman
Ciaran; Caden, Copeland, and Ciaran
Clarion; Caden, Copeland, and Clarion
Coby; Caden, Copeland, and Coby
Coleman; Caden, Copeland, and Coleman
Collier; Caden, Copeland, and Collier
Connor; Caden, Copeland, and Connor
Conley; Caden, Copeland, and Conley
Conway; Caden, Copeland, and Conway
Corbin; Caden, Copeland, and Corbin
Cormac; Caden, Copeland, and Cormac
Crawford; Caden, Copeland, and Crawford
Crosby; Caden, Copeland, and Crosby
Currier; Caden, Copeland, and Currier

I lean toward the options that don’t repeat too many sounds. For example, I like the name Casey, but it has the same Kay- beginning as Caden, so it’s not one of my top choices; I like Calliope, but that may be too much C and L and P and O with Copeland.

For a boy, I think my favorites are:


For a girl, I think my favorites are:


41 thoughts on “Baby Girl or Boy Wolfe, Sibling to Caden and Copeland

  1. Renee


    Love Campbell and Crosby of Swistle’s list!

    As for middles, how did you choose for your precious two? I’d be inclined to look for gender specific names in the middle. I know a girl Caden and lots of Cadences. Copeland could go either way.

  2. Laura

    I like Calder from Swistle’s list a lot, I hadn’t thought of that as a name but it really works (I think for a boy or a girl). I also really like most of Swistle’s favorite lists
    Sorry for duplications but here are a few others:
    Chaitan, Charan

    1. TacyBetsy

      Calder is on my list for “if we ever decide to use more surname-names”!

      I know a Callahan, called Cal, and it’s adorable. I’m also wild about Collier as well!

  3. Colleen

    I really like Swistle’s suggestions of Connor and Callum for a boy. My favorite ideas for a girl are Callaha, Collins, and Calla.

  4. Kim C

    Love Callahan for a boy and Carrington for a girl from Swistle’s suggestions. Conway and Campbell are great too! Love Campbell on a girl!

    I saw a little girl named Connor today and thought that was pretty cool too.

    Cartwright, Cassidy, Caulfield, Chambers, Clayton, Coleman, Connelly or Curtis?

    So many great names to choose from!

    Good luck!

  5. jordan

    I REALLY love Collins for a girl. Its unisex just like Copeland!

    For a boy, I love Crosby, it has been a longtime favorite of mine, i wished more people used! No obvious nickname. If you like nicknames, I like Callahan nn Cal.

    Good luck!

  6. Heidi J

    If you want to keep with the letter C, great. However, my husband is a third child and both of his older siblings name started with the same letter. His parents chose a different letter for my husband’s name. He’s never been bothered by this and looked at me like I was crazy when I asked him if it ever had. So, if you do decide you’d rather use a different letter this time, it’s likely that it won’t bother your child that you did.

    1. Ariana

      I’m a third child with a different initial than my two older siblings too (they’re also C’s!). Never bothered me; in fact, I liked having my own letter!

      I love Crew for a boy or girl from the OP’s list, but spelled Crue or Cru!

  7. Ash

    There are a lot of great suggestions already thrown out there! I’ll add some different ones and some opinions.

    I know of little girls named Calloway and Campbell- I like Campbell more than Calloway and actually really dislike Calloway. I also know a little girl named Channing.

    I recently saw a female my age named Callen (I’m assuming pronounced Collin) but I do like Collins on a girl.

    I’m going to add Cambry/Cambree so that it does sound more like a little girl versus a gender neutral name.

    Additional suggestions:

    As far a little boy names:
    I’m loving Callum more and more each time that I run across it! Crew is becoming ever increasingly popular so I would advise to steer away from that one.
    Cason (have only ever known one person named this and always liked it!)

    My favorite boy name from Swistle’s list is Conley W0lfe.

  8. Elizabeth

    Camber is a family name that has been used as both a female first and middle name. Gives the option to go by Cam or Cammy if you want a nickname

  9. StephLove

    From Swistle and others’ suggestions, for a boy I like Callum, Calvin, Carter, Carson, Chandler, Connor, & Cormac.

    For a girl, Calista, Calliope, Calla, & Carys

    For both, Campbell, Casey.

    I also like Clay for a boy or Coral for a girl.

  10. Kelsey D

    My initial thought was Campbell!!!
    Copeland and Campbell seem like the perfect set if this babe is a girl. I also really like Carrington for a girl. Actually… Maybe I prefer Carrington.
    Copeland and Carrington. Ok…Yes. This is perfect!!

    I’m really drawn to a longer girl name to match Copeland and for a boy I like some of the shorter names to match Caden.

    I like Cormac, Calder, Carson and Conley the best. I really like Callum but when you say Cadan and Callum beside each other (imagine yelling up the stairs… Caden Callum) they sort of run into each other and I find myself saying Cadum.

    Good luck!!

    1. Alison

      Yeah my thought exactly! I don’t want them to sound too similar! I agree though I never thought of Campbell but it’s really growing on me now! Thanks for the input 👍🏼

  11. JMV

    Chord, Cedar, Colby all came to mind. All of those could be used for either gender. I also like Croix and Cedric for a boy. Carys for a girl.

  12. juniperjones

    I love Swistle suggested Crosby for a boy.

    For a girl, what about Cobalt? Or, maybe not your style, but I love Cleo Wolfe.

  13. Andrea

    I have a Cowen (I just spelled it Owen, with a C, the Irish spelling is Cowan, I found it in an Irish baby name book–the Coen spelling also avoids any problems with the name) so that is obviously my favorite. I love Collins for a girl, Crosby for a boy, Cedar for a girl, and Calder for a boy.

    Good luck!

  14. Maree

    I know a little girl named Catrin, her mother told me it was the Welsh form of Catherine.

    Caden, Copeland and Catrin

    I know two families with all C’s.

  15. maeby

    Cleo is my favorite girls name and one wish I had the chance to use. It’s a bit short and sweet with Copeland as a big sister, but I still think it works. I also really like the suggestions of Colby for a boy.

  16. JD

    For a girl I love Campbell, Carter and Cavanaugh.
    For a boy Channing is the perfect gender neutral match to Caden. I also like Cammeron, Cormac and Crosby.

  17. Alaina

    There are some great suggestions here! For this sibset, I like Campbell, Cody, Cambry, and Cavanaugh for a girl, and Calder for a boy. I like Crew too, but I think it’s too short for the surname. I also like Colby for a boy or a girl.

  18. liz

    Off your list, I like Cooper best
    Carlisle, Carson, Campbell, and Crosby are my faves of those already suggested. I know of at least one boy or man and at least one girl or woman named each of those.

    What about Cordon to rhyme with Gordon and Jordan? Cardigan (I know, but the sweater was named after the Earl of Cardigan).

  19. Laura

    Boy names: Crofton, Cedric, Cyrus, Callum, Calder, Colby, Cameron

    Girl names: Crofton, Cambrie (love this spelling!!), Colby, Campbell, Carys, Cameron (nickname Cami – how great is that!! I love it on a person any age, baby through adult)

  20. Morgan

    Love this post!

    There were several great options! My favorites are:

    Boys – Crawford, Calder, Calloway, Calder, Crew, Chord, and Carver

    Girls – Campbell, Cavanaugh, Collins, and Chandler

  21. Jillian

    I haven’t seen any one mention Carys! Pronounced to rhyme with Paris or Car-is. It’s a welsh name and is feminine without being in your face girly.

  22. Amy

    Loads of great options in the post and the comments. I vote Callahan for a girl and Calder for a boy. Cal is such a great nickname either way. Calder is one of my personal faves but I think a bit of an outlier in my taste!


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