Baby Girl Hustling-with-an-R, Sister to Gus and Hugh


I have been a long time reader for inspiration but never thought I would end up writing in for advice! But here I am having a scheduled delivery on 5 September for a baby girl with no name picked out!!

I have two boys already Gus (almost 5) and Hugh (2.5). We didn’t have anywhere near this much trouble naming them. Our last name starts with R and rhymes with hustling. This will be our last baby.

Up until recently we were happy with Audrey but it now seems very common and is popping up everywhere (in my neighborhood at least). My other favorite is Grace which I ruled out due to popularity and was leaning towards Audrey. But if Audrey is getting popular I thought, why not just go with Grace? But I am not sure, I think of Grace as more of her middle name.

My husband ruled out Rose years ago but recently said he didn’t mind and I could pick whatever I wanted (as long as he really didn’t dislike it). He came up with both of the boys names although I really liked them anyway.
So Rose, which I have always loved, has made it back in literally 5 days ago. I think the double R is sweet and the boys both have two middle names (to honor family) so it is likely this girl will too – eg Rose Amelia Grace. We aren’t using any family for middle names but I am now used to/quite like having the two middle names.

But I am not sure this is the name? We don’t like anything that is too popular but still seem to pick somewhat popular names (eg I am sure there are plenty of Angus and Hugo’s out there but given they are just different enough to the boys names this doesn’t bother us).

And because we have actually been calling her Audrey I am still a bit attached to this name but I am just not as in love with it anymore.

I definitely want a feminine name and do like names like Sophia, Olivia, Charlotte, Amelia, Edith, Ivy, Eleanor (eg classic or older) but they are either too popular or we can’t use them due to close friends or family using the name – we have alot of female relatives so names ruled out due to family alone are:
Avie, Evie, Edie, Ivy, Ava, Eva (or anything that rhymes with that)
Alice (this would have been a front runner but is definitely out)
Poppy (another top contender but too close to another relatives name).

I don’t think it would be an issue but we do not want to use a name someone in the family has already used.

My husband has ruled out Margaret (Maggie) and Francesca (too close to Frances), Elizabeth and Eliza but these probably aren’t top contenders anyway.

Others I have either ruled out or don’t love are, Isla, Penelope, Daisy, Clementine, Lola, Harriet, Alexandra, Bella/Ella, Elsie, Eloise, Phoebe, Stella, Mia/Mila, Abigail, Adelaide, Isobelle, Harper, Emma and Matilda/Tilly.

I don’t mind if it is a longer name to be shortened or a short name like the boys.

I think a big issue is that so many of my favorite names are already taken by family or now becoming too popular.

I do like Audrey, Rose or Grace but can’t seem to settle on something and wonder if there is something else out there…
I am hoping it will magically come to me when she is delivered but I am getting concerned that this baby won’t have a name!!!

Please help!


I think Audrey and Rose are both lovely choices. I would throw most of my support behind Rose, except I hesitate to combine a word first name with a word surname. If that doesn’t bother you, then Rose would be my top choice. Gus, Hugh, and Rose.

Because your first two children have the initials G and H, I would be tempted by the idea of finding a name starting with the letter I for your third child. It’s not the sort of thing I would allow to dominate the name hunt or take precedence over other preferences, but if it would be FUN, and if you DID love a name starting with that started with that letter ANYway…

Iris (perhaps not with this surname)


More ideas for the first name:

Cecily (maybe too much S-sound with the surname)


If your sons have family middle names, I encourage you to give your daughter a family middle name as well. There is an odd thing in our society about boys’ names versus girls’ names; the most obvious example of it is the way it is not at all uncommon for boys to be named after their fathers but very rare for girls to be named after their mothers. Possibly in this case it’s just that you had some excellent male family members you very much wanted to honor and the family women are all kind of mediocre, or maybe the deal was to use one honor name from your husband’s side and one from your side and now you’re calling it a day to keep things even, or maybe there’s some other reason I wouldn’t be able to guess. But if the only reason is that this is a girl and the other two were boys, I recommend reconsidering—with the understanding that I mean, literally, “consider it again,” as opposed to “and don’t stop considering until you come down on the side of doing it my way.” Perhaps one of this baby’s middle names could be her mother’s middle name or maiden name. Or perhaps you could pick a name from the long list of names you love but can’t use because of family members having them: unless you dislike the family member and don’t WANT to honor them, this seems like a great way to handle a considerable list of love-but-can’t-use names.



Name update:


I emailed recently seeking last minute advice on possible names for a baby sister for my two little boys Gus and Hugh.

Rose Paula Margaret Rusling arrived a little early on father’s day and has been a lovely present for the whole family.

We had not settled on a name prior to her arrival but very quickly agreed she was definitely a Rose.

The advice and feedback from yourself and swistle regulars was invaluable, especially to keep with the tradition of family middle names.

Paula is my mother in laws name and there were/are numerous close relatives with the middle name Maree (or spelling Marie), including Paula, my grandmother and my sister. I love the name Margaret and decided to use that variation instead of Maree to make a new tradition of my own.

Rose is currently 2 days old and is very cute with a (so far!) sweet little nature – the name suits her beautifully.

Thank you again,
Nicolette, David, Gus, Hugh and Rose

54 thoughts on “Baby Girl Hustling-with-an-R, Sister to Gus and Hugh

  1. Julie

    I think Rose is adorable! I love it with the boys’ names. I’ve always loved Audrey, but I’ve also noticed it getting popular. The popularity of Grace would bother me too, but since it is a classic name, I don’t think it’s such a big deal. A few other names that may work for you are Gwen, Ruby, or Liv.

    One note on the middle: I agree for the sake or consistency and fairness, I would give her at least one family middle name since her brothers have family names. It could be something that bothers her as she gets older, or maybe not… Good luck!

  2. Kerry

    I love Rose as a first name, and like the idea of keeping the single syllable link with your older boys.

    If Alice would have been one of your front runners if it wasn’t for…something, I wonder if you’d like Irene or Agnes instead.

    1. Kay

      Oooh, Agnes is a great suggestion. Maybe too daring for the writer’s husband… Perhaps if you do like Agnes, if all of you watched Despicable Me, which has a child Agnes character, it could help. In general I’ve found that when my husband doesn’t like a name for being too frumpy (rare now, as his tastes have changed, but definitely used to be the case all the time), seeing a film or TV show with a character by that name was a good way to hit the “reset” button on his associations with it.

  3. Renee

    Your husband chose some wonderful names for your sons! What does he like best for a girl??

    I love the idea of using an I-name. Or an F. There are so very many names on your veto list that I can’t even try to suggest any, I’m sure you’re going to get a lot of people sending you names on that list. Oh wait, how about Ione or Fleur? I just met an adorable toddler Fleur!

    Could you do Audra instead of Audrey? I always think of it as spunkier than buttoned-down Audrey.

    Rose is lovely. Try it on for awhile? Rosalind or Rosalie is also lovely.

    Grace is a true classic currently on trend. But I’d hesitate because of duplicating the G with Gus.

    This might be in total left-field, but would a double-barrel hit the right note and distinguish the more popular names? Audrey Rose, Willa Grace (although do you hear Will&Grace hmm), Lila Grace, Lila Rose…

    Good luck! She’ll be well-named for certain after your two successes.

    1. Nicolette

      My husband likes Grace. But I just feel it’s too common now. I quite like the double barrel names but husband does not.
      One thing with Audrey (not a huge issue) is that all three would have a u in their names.
      And I also quite like Fleur, it’s really sweet.

      1. vanessa

        I love the idea of an I name since your boys are G,H. Or maybe an F but that isn’t as awesome. (since she came after Gus and Hugh and I comes after G and H, but F, obviously, comes before). However I do think Flora and Frances are quite sweet. I names that would work IMO:
        Ilse (ILL-sa)
        Irene (I like this one especially, and I like how your kids names go from 3 to 4 to 5 letters)
        I would suggest Ivana (one of my favorite gymnasts!) but it’s gotten too tied to Trump for me to suggest
        Irina (so pretty!)

        I like Rose a great deal as well and think it goes great with Gus and Hugh. I don’t love Grace for you only because it repeats an initial.

        I would DEFINITELY do family names for your daughter if you did them for your sons. Otherwise she’s going to wonder.

  4. Fiona

    Looking at your veto list, these names come to mind:

    Celia (similar sounds to Alice)
    Helen/a (similar mouth feel with the vowels)
    May/May (one syllable pattern)
    Marianne (classic and pretty, yet not popular)
    Laura / Laurie (similar sounds to your veto list)

    Best wishes on your decision!

  5. Meredith M.

    Audrey and Rose are both lovely. If you love Poppy but it’s out due to a relative, how about Penelope nn Poppy? That would give you some distance from the relative. Also, wow, that is a LONG list of names that are out due to relatives. Are they all first names? Are they all relatives that you see regularly? I wonder if ruling out so many names is what’s leaving you feeling dissatisfied with Audrey and Rose. Maybe you could add some of the “out” names back in. Or consider names without worrying about who has that name for now, and then evaluate the favorites on a case-by-case basis.

    1. Kerry

      I’m also having trouble thinking of a name that is not Poppy but is too similar to Poppy for the same family, which makes me wonder if maybe it’s not actually that similar? (Or it’s a really unusual name. If your family includes a Pippi or a Pippa, then yes, I could see your point). Cousins named Polly and Poppy, for example, is a cute coincidence, not scandalous name infringement.

    2. Nicolette

      Yes, they are all first names and we see everyone/are in touch with everyone. It is crazy, just too many girls with names that I like.

  6. TheFirstA

    Rose is lovely & I think I like it better than Audrey with Hugh & Gus.

    If you aren’t sure you are ready to give up on Audrey, perhaps move it to one of the middle slots. Though I strongly agree with Swistle that you should find a family name for one of her middles. I think the potential message it sends (especially with this as your only girl) is less than ideal. In addition to feminine family names & maiden names, I would also encourage you to consider cross-gender namesakes (i.e.; Charlotte for a Charles or Elisabeth for an Elliott).

  7. Britni

    I’m one that would also love the G,H,I theme.
    Did we say Isla? Isla is very sweet, imo.
    Im the opposite regarding the Rose “Hustling” and would be so bothered by the double r sound, although it’s just preference. I do know a lot of little kids that struggle with the r sound so a name like that makes me :/ for that reason as well.
    My #1 pick for you would be Audrey Rose Grace “Hustling” with the possibility of nn. Rose and dodging the actual double R initial.
    Congratulations and let us know what you decide!

  8. Laura

    Well, my vote is for Audrey Grace “Hustling”! I think it sounds fantastic, I like it MUCH better than Rose (although that’s just my personal taste). I am biased though, Audrey is in my top 5 or 6 girl name contenders :)

    I also find Rose Grace Hustling a bit choppy to say… I think I don’t like the two single-syllable names one after the other. What about Rosalie Grace, nn Rose or Rosie? I am still throwing my vote behind Audrey instead, but I love the flow of Rosalie Grace Hustling.

  9. A

    I love PPs suggestion of Audra. It doesn’t have the popularity issue that Audrey has and is so sophisticated.
    I’m like you and don’t use family names for girls, but would probably use one of my husband’s names for a boy. I don’t think it’s sexist, there are just so many beautiful girl names and I want my girls to be completely individuals.

  10. StephLove

    I like Rose best for you, then Audrey. I kept wanting to make suggestions (Charlotte, Ivy, Lucy) and finding them on your no-fly list.

    How about Daphne?

    1. Megan

      Second for Fiona Grace! LOVE IT!

      Also, Audra, as someone mentioned before, is adorbs

      I just saw the name Adelia online, Victorian era name. could be cute here!

  11. Phancymama

    My personal test for a situation like this is to consider which name I would regret most if I didn’t use it. So I try and figure out not which one I would like the most, but rather which I would miss the most. Maybe that’ll help you. Or throw caution to the wind and let the boys decide (from your finalists).

    I want very much to encourage at least one family name for your daughter too, since it is already a pattern with your other two. Congrats and good luck!

  12. Trudee

    Audrey made me think of Astrid, which I love and is far less common. However, someone mentioned Polly as an alternative to Poppy and I remembered that Polly is an established nickname for Mary. (So is Molly though I saw that was on your no-no list.) I think Mary nn Polly would amazing with your boys’ names. I actually think Mary without a nn is even more awesome. It seems so fresh these days even though it’s been around forever. It also has a similar sound to Audrey. If you wanted to go with an I name, I second Isla.

    1. Nicolette

      Thanks for the comment. I don’t think I could get my husband over the line with Mary as the name, but that is a family name and would make a great middle name.
      I had Isla on the short list but again, there are now too many of them that I know personally and it’s getting too popular!

  13. Angela

    I instantly thought of June and can’t get the amazing combo Hugh, Gus, and June out of my head. Rose is beautiful with the brother’s names. I wish Ivy could be on the table. It’s near perfect. God luck!

  14. JD

    I think the oldest boy is Angus, nicknamed Gus. It makes the G H I thing a little less appealing to me
    I like Audrey and Audra are lovely but I hesitate because of the similarity to Angus. It’s not a deal breaker by any means.
    I always love Rose.

    1. Swistle Post author

      I thought that at first, too, but I believe the letter-writer is saying that it doesn’t bother her that there are boys with names similar to her boys’ names, such as Angus and Hugo.

      1. Nicolette

        Hi there,
        Nicolette here. It is definitely just Gus and Hugh!
        These comments are great – I am definitely rethinking the middle name approach.
        Both boys have their grandfather and great grandfather’s names as middle names. So Gus has my Dad’s name and my husbands grandfather’s name. Hugh has the same but opposite (eg my husbands Dads name, my great grandfather’s name).

        Both male grandfather’s are still alive and very present in our lives (one is called Poppy, hence we have ruled that out due to likely confusion).

        Both grandmother’s have passed away. I am not sure using my own mothers name (or mn) for personal reasons. But my mother in law was Paula, which I would use. I just always assumed I couldn’t do one without the other, so would just skip it altogether. And a niece (Sophia) has Paula’s mn to honor her.

        I will have to think about perhaps using a male name with female twist (eg a grandfather was Charles, which would be lovely as Charlotte, but Charles is already one of Hugh’s mn’s). Eg Rose Paula Charlotte.

        Lots to think about – and as of today Rose is the current front runner. But I am terrible for changing my mind so we’ll see if it makes it to the end!

        1. Eli

          Oooh, I’ve been reading Audry Rose over and over rather than Audry, Rose, and Grace, but now I’m liking Paula Rose

        2. Kay

          Caroline is equally derived from Charles and would be a lovely one to use. I’d also consider Pauline as a variant of Paula, if it helps with flow or if you like it more (I prefer Pauline). They seem close enough to me for the honor to not be too diluted.

          Good luck!! So excited to hear what you choose.

  15. Monica

    What about Mae? I think it would sound great with your last name, is short like your son’s names and has a cool Mae West kind of vintage appeal like both Gus and Hugh do.

  16. Reagan

    Rose is great choice if your last name and her brothers names. Rose Nicolette Grace “H”until golden sounds good to me though I also like Rose Audrey Grace.

    If Rose isn’t her name, I like:

    Wren – Gus, Hugh, and Wren
    Juno – Gus, Hugh, and Juno
    Kay – Gus, Hugh, and Kay
    Nell – Gus, Hugh, and Nell
    Claire – Gus, Hugh, Clara
    Maeve – Gus, Hugh, Maeve

  17. JD

    What about your maiden name for the middle from your side of the family? Even if it is not a first name type name as a second middle it could work and be special.
    Rose Paula Maiden Hustle

  18. Kim C

    What about Ada?

    Gus, Hugh and Ada. Absolutely love Ada!

    I know you’ve ruled out Penelope but what about Penny on it’s own?

    Gus, Hugh and Penny. Cute!

    I really like the suggestions of Jane and Mae!

    For a longer girly name, what about Miranda, Juliet or Susanna? Susanna is a lovely underused name. Both Juliet and Susanna have a ‘u’ in them too!

    Good luck!

  19. Sargjo

    Rose makes me think of Sadie, Pearl, June, and Opal. I really like Sadie for you! Nickname could be Dee or Didi. Sadie had a moment a few years ago rising in popularity but I think it sort of faded, unlike Audrey’s moment which is still growing. Gus, Hugh and Sadie. Sadie Rose Amelia Hustling.

  20. Kelsey D


    Can I just say that I LOVE your boys name!!! Sigh. I’m slightly jealous.

    I am definitely biased but we have a Rose. And we absolutely love her name. She is actually a Rose Margaret Grace. So when I read Rose Amelia Grace my heart skipped a little! We threw around the name Rosalie ( we also like Rosalind and Rosamund but had extended family members with those) … Ultimately we decided on using just Rose and so glad we did. I love it next to your Gus and Hugh; all are fresh yet classic names.

    Other names I like:
    Pearl – sigh, I love this!!

    Rose is my absolute favorite for you, next would be Pearl, June and Thea!

    Eeee good luck! I can’t wait to hear the news. Make sure you update us!!

  21. Kay

    FIrst two that popped to my mind: Margot and Camilla. Neither seems to have been suggested!

    Also, I’m so surprised no one suggested Marjorie or Margery. Marjorie is so cute and unusual, but coming back into style, and it wears well through all ages. Dorothy/Dorothea is another one– it offers a great bunch of nicknames (Dora, Dorrit, Thea, Dot, Dottie…)

    I hesitate to suggest anything, though, because Rose is so beautiful– and the combo with your surname doesn’t bother me. It sounds very romantic and classical. The -drey ending of Audrey running into the beginning (R)us- sound of the surname bothers me a lot more. I also find Grace “Hustling” hard to say clearly.

    Other possibilities (trying for ones not yet suggested):
    Caroline (alternate to Charlotte)

    Good luck! Very excited for your update!

  22. liz

    I love Rose and that it would mean everyone having a single-syllable first name. by everyone having a U in their names!

    Audrey, obviously
    LuAnne, LuEllen, Lulu, Louisa
    Lauren, Laura
    Sue, Susan, Susanne,
    Julie, Juliette, Julianne, Julianna, Julia

    Of these, I think Ruth is my favorite.

  23. Ash

    I’m going to throw out Audrina just since it’s so close to Audrey and Audra and I was going to suggest Audra until I read the comments and saw several others had suggested it too!

    Adria Rustling is also another nice sounding name.

  24. Andrea

    I think you should DEFINITELY stick with a one-syllable name. It just sounds so spunky and fun to hear your names together and ties them together so beautifully. My favorites:

    Gus, Hugh, Mae
    Gus, Hugh, June
    Gus, Hugh, Rose (love this!!)

    Please, please, please use a family middle no matter what. It is a way to tie your girl to her family, just as much as it is to “honor” someone. I love your name and would LOVE IT if you named your baby:

    Mae Nicolette Grace
    June Nicolette Grace


    Rose Nicolette Paula

    The flow doesn’t matter very much in this case–it is the tying together the family that matters.

  25. Emily

    Love your top three contenders…IMO you can’t go wrong. Those are three of the most classic, beautiful names. I like Rose best with your boys’ names, Audrey best with your last name, and Grace as the overall favorite. However, in my neck of the woods, Grace is the most common/popular, too. Audrey feels more up and coming to me. i think Rose is kind of perfect, but I’m just not as in love with it with your last name. Still, you truly can’t go wrong with any of them. Good luck!

    1. Emily

      Wanted to throw out a couple other suggestions just in case….
      I really like Jane with Gus and Hugh…I like the retro/classic/one-syllable thing going on. Plus Janie is toooo cute. Ann is nice, too…nickname Annie.

  26. Beep

    One of my daughters and I share a first name. I love my name and am delighted to share it, but it’s amazing how rude some people have been about a female not-quite junior. I’m sure they wouldn’t have blinked an eye if we’d named our son after my husband.

    My other daughter is Grace. I waffled a lot when choosing it, mostly because of the popularity issue. But then I did a search and discovered that in my son’s 500-kid school there are zero Graces. Regional variations really can be a big deal. My daughter Grace is still a baby, but thus far I’ve been happier with the name than I feared. I love all the meanings so much.

  27. Celeste

    I keep thinking her name should have a U in it to be like the boys’ names. Luna, Eula, Eulalie, Lauren, Julia, Ruby, Lula.

    But Rose is so lovely and classic, and we don’t see nearly enough of it.

  28. JMV

    I love both Audrey and Rose for you. I would be tempted to go with a coin toss after she’s born or seeing which one she “looks like.” I also love Iris.

    I’d love a middle name that honors you. Colette and Etta come to mind.

    1. Kelsey D

      OR use Etta as a first name!!!

      Ahhhhh I love it.

      Gus, Hugh, and Etta. Um. Ya. Best idea ever!!! I hope you see this comment!!!!

  29. Caro

    I vote to work in Nicolette or the variation Nicola into the name in honor of the mother. Such a beautiful name!

  30. Andrea

    I commented earlier and then kept thinking about your names. I decided my favorite name for you is Nell. So pretty. So feminine. So one syllable like the boys.

  31. Kelsey D

    Yayayaya! I hope you read this! Congrats on your baby girl Rose. With someone else who has a little Rose – you’ll love it!!

  32. Emily

    I’m curious what country the original poster is writing from…. If I’m reading the update correctly, Father’s Day is celebrated in August?


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