Baby Girl or Boy S., Sibling to Patrick, Lila, and Joel: Good C Names for Girls

Relevant facts:

  • My husband has an unusual three-letter name.
  • Our last name starts with S, which is also the third letter of my husband’s first name.
  • I am due late December with #4, and we’ve decided not to find out the sex of the baby this time.
  • This is our final child, we have a naming pattern with the other three of “first name we liked, middle name family name.”
  • The girls family name we liked last time (when we had a boy) was Alice.
  • If we name a baby _________ Alice S________ that gets us reaaaaaaally close to initials that spell my husband’s first name
  • This is cool, right??? My husband and I both think so!
  • Butttttttttt………..and there had to be one………..there are only two girls names that start with C that I like-not-love (Cora and Clara) and lately I’ve even been toying with NOT using Alice (though I think ultimately we will.)

So here’s where I need help. Can you think of any other “C” girls names that are similar to Cora, Clara (or our other kids – Patrick, Lila, Joel – not super popular but not weird)? OR, can you release me from the desire to HAVE TO USE a name that starts with C?

Relevant info for a boy: we are NOT considering the naming pattern for a boy, but would welcome boys name ideas similar to:

and of course – Patrick and Joel

Help me Swistle!!!!


I will start by making a suggestion I know you have already considered, so it is a little silly to make the suggestion at all, except that sometimes around here we’ve found that it works. Here it is: I love the name Alice with this sibling set, and so I suggest it as the first name. But I know it’s common for a previous frontrunner to not seem quite right for a subsequent child, so I won’t push. But Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Alice—I love it.

The next step is to discuss some good C names for girls, and then after that I’ll work on removing the pressure to choose one of them. Cora and Clara are both great: I love both of those.

Another of my favorite C names is Celeste, but I suspect that would be too much S-sound with your surname. Cecily has the same issue.

Colette, maybe? Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Colette. Hm, it may share too many sounds with Joel.

Or Corinne. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Corinne.

Or Cleo. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Cleo. It bothers me a little bit that Joel and Cleo both have four letters and share three of them.

Claudia works, I think. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Claudia.

Camille would be pretty. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Camille.

Carys may not work with Alice, which is too bad. Carissa instead, or Clarissa? Clarissa is one of my own favorites. But it might have too much S-sound to work well with your surname.

Oh, perhaps plain Claire? Similar to Clara, and takes away all the S of Clarissa. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Claire.

I like Cressida, but I wonder if it’s a little too unusual for the sibling group; also it has the S issue.

Well, my favorites are still your top two, Cora and Clara. I have a slight preference for Cora with Lila, but it’s only slight.

Now for the reassurance. While I agree that it is quite fun and interesting to have a child’s initials spell your husband’s name, I don’t think it’s fun/interesting enough to be worth choosing a name you only like, if there are names you love. It’s the sort of gimmick I do enjoy (like when twins have matching initials or reversed first/middle initials), but it doesn’t feel irresistible. I think in the long run you would get more satisfaction out of choosing a name you loved.

Also, it would break your naming pattern, which of course is fine, but it’s an argument to use if you’d LIKE to talk yourself out of it. (If you wanted to be talked INTO it, and if you found a C name that you liked well enough to use, I’d instead be saying you were still meeting the spirit of the naming pattern: names you liked plus a family-name connection.)

One possibility is to just get CLOSE to the idea: you could give her the same three letters in a different order, for example (Alice C. S.), or use your husband’s name (or a feminine form of it such as Cassie or Cassandra) as her middle name.

I think my strategy at this point would be to set aside the initials idea for now, and look for first names you love. If you find some, then weigh it: “This name we love, or this name we like-don’t-love with the fun initials?” If you find only names you like, then it’s a different situation, and may help make one name pull ahead of the others: “This name we like-don’t-love with fun initials, or this name we like-don’t-love without fun initials?”

For boys, I’m going to copy the list down here again so we have it to look at; names similar to:

and of course – Patrick and Joel

A name we had on our finalist list for our youngest child may work here: Alan. We’d watched a television show with a very appealing Alan Alda doing the hosting/narrating, and then of course there’s Alan Rickman. It comes to mind because I saw it in action on a child for the first time just this weekend: I was in a store, and a mother called her elementary-school-aged son Alan, and I thought “That works!” It’s a slight surprise, without seeming weird. It’s similar in sound to Alice, and I think it goes well with brothers Patrick and Joel.

I wonder if you would like the name Calvin? Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Calvin.

Or Henry. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Henry.

Or Wesley. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Wesley.

Or Timothy. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Timothy.

Or Malcolm. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Malcolm.

Or Graham. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Graham.

Or Edmund. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Edmund.

Or Callum. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Callum.

Or Gideon. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Gideon.

Or Micah. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Micah.

Or Philip. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Philip.



Name update!

First of all, I was completely swayed by you and your commenters and decided that we’d buck the C-A-S initial idea and go with Alice Rose for a girl.  I loved it, I dreamed it, I wanted it – and then we had a BOY!

Elliot Baxter (Baxter is the birthplace of my grandmother – she hated her name so we went a little creative to honor her) was born December 19, 9lbs 3oz and 21 inches.

Picture attached!

Thanks for your help – I am totally mourning the loss of Alice, but we love our Elliot.



35 thoughts on “Baby Girl or Boy S., Sibling to Patrick, Lila, and Joel: Good C Names for Girls

  1. Michelle

    Thanks for publishing my question Swistle!!! One note to add – I do LOVE Alice as a first name. What keeps me from using it as such is because all the other family names are middle names, so I feel like giving it first name status lends weight that doesn’t exactly match the weight of the family connection. Does that make sense?

    1. hystcklght3

      I know you were asking Swistle, but this totally makes sense :) But since it IS a name you love, I do think you could use it differently, almost as if you came up with it on your own(?). Still, I get it .. if the family namesake were going to be around a lot and other family namesakes-who-just-got-middle-names would also be around, I could see myself wanting to avoid the awkwardness of that. I still don’t think it HAS to be awkward, and Swistle could probably come up with some great things to say to address it then move on … but I’m conflict avoidant enough to understand not wanting to go that route, too ;)

    2. Kat

      I say go with the name you love for the first and middle regardless of family honor names, etc. It is your last child so have fun with it, I assume you were already able to honor both sides amongst your previous children anyway. Your naming tradition is not an in your face one where changing it now would be very obvious (such as all your children have same first initial and now you are choosing a different one). Good luck!

  2. Maggie

    I know a very cute little Catherine who mostly goes by Cat. Might work for you, also consider Caddie (as in Caddie Woodlawn, who I believe was Caroline for full) or just straight Carrie. More unusual: Cali or Calla.

  3. JaneyBB

    ooh, I like Corinne (my son has the male version of this name), Claudia and Cleo. I agree with Swistle that other pretty names that Carys and Celeste might be too “essy” with the other names.

  4. Marilyn

    I’ll voice more support for Alice as a first. It’s lovely! I also really like Cora, but not sure with Alice as middle. I like them switched, though, Alice Cora S., and am a fan of the intials as dad’s name rearranged instead of his exactly. I also like Claire / Clair, and Celeste. And Cora Lee or Coralie is also a pretty C option.

  5. Kate

    We also like names that are unique but not weird, and have used family middles with first names we love… Our first son is also Patrick! And we just named our new baby boy Donovan.

  6. reagan

    I do like both Cora and Clara but since you don’t love them, I would move on.

    Since it appears you love Lila, have you considered:

    Iris .. Iris Alice S…. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Iris
    Avery .. Avery Alice S… Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Avery
    Eden … Eden Alice S… Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Eden
    Rudy… Ruby Alice S.. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Ruby
    Sadie… Sadie Alice S… Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Sadia
    Ada .. Ada Alica S…. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Ada

    As for boys, with your sibset I rather like;

    Evan.. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Evan
    Gavin .. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Gavin
    Adam .. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Adam
    Vincent .. Patrick, Lila, Joel, and Vincent

  7. Trudee

    I thought of Colleen for you. I think it works great with the sibset. It isn’t used much these days but is totally familiar. Colleen Alice S___. Also, my only concern about mirroring your husband’s name in your (potential) daughter’s initials would be the other children. Would they feel like your husband has a special bond with child #4 that they didn’t get? I wonder if the initials-matching-his-name thing could be in place of the family-name-as-middle-name thing. An ‘instead of’ as opposed to ‘in addition to.’ It could be a new version of the family name thing in a way. Then maybe you could choose a C name you only like (but don’t love) and then choose an A name that you love to make up for it.

  8. hystcklght3

    Random, but I LOVE the name Calyx. I realize it’s way more rare than your other names, but for some reason Calyx and Lila work so well together for me .. perhaps because they both have a floral feel to me? Calyx is the collective name of the sepals of a flower .. and Lila reminds me of Lily, perhaps (though I just looked it up, and Lila actually means “night”–interesting! Oh my, now I want to find a C-name for you that means “day” …). I also think it has a really pleasing, sweet-yet-could-be-mature sound to it. And you get that beautiful “Cay” sound without any of the trendy “lee,” “lyn,” or “den” endings. :)

  9. hystcklght3

    Hmm .. probably a stretch but I’ll throw it out there nonetheless: Kalinda means day in Hindi .. maybe you could spell it Calinda and call her Callie :)

  10. Elle

    The name Celia immediatly came to mind. I think it is classic but not common, and a great match w your other kiddos. Cecilia would also be nice. Calla has been mentioned, I think that is a good suggestion as well. Also, Camila ? Too close to Lila?

    I love the suggestion of Graham. Also:

  11. Sarah

    I know a girl Cameron who has a brother named Patrick…I’m not sure Cameron and Lila work as sisters, but I do think Lila and Cammie is cute! And Cameron/camryn Alice sounds nice.
    Good luck!

  12. Kaela

    I love the name Alice but to me it doesn’t quite go with the others– it has more of a vintage, classic, specific vibe whereas the others are more flexible and modern. Also Lila seems more feminine somehow in comparison. Cora is definitely my favorite with the group.

    I also love the suggestion of Cleo. As for it’s similarity in letters to Joel, that could be solved by spelling it Clio.

    …which makes me think of Calliope. Quite rarer than your other names, but appealing.

    I also thought of Cassia or Clea.

    Please remember to update us! Good luck

  13. Kerry

    I like the suggestions of Chloe and Caroline.

    I know a three year old Carol and I’m really surprised how much it’s grown on me. Carol with Alice in the middle gives you a bit of an Alice in Wonderland theme, which might be a plus or a minus depending on your own tastes.

    I also know an adult Calen, which might be a headache spelling-wise, but I’ve always thought it was an elegant version of the name.

  14. The Mrs.

    If you like Cora and Clara… how about Cara? It means ‘love’ or ‘heart’.

    Cara has the same number of letters and syllables as Lila, but it isn’t confusing or matchy-matchy. Cara Alice has a pleasant ring to it. It meets your ‘starts with a C’ criteria and feels well at home with Patrick, Lila, and Joel.

    Every adult Cara I’ve known has been generous, charming, and incredibly patient.

    For boys, do you like Gabriel? Or Eli? How about Evan? Simon? Dylan? Walter? Carl?

    Best of wishes to you both as you pick the perfect name for your expected child!

  15. Kim C

    I absolutely love the name Cora and Cora Alice is adorable!

    What about Cadence nn Cadie or the name Cara for other ‘C’ names?

    Patrick, Lila, Joel and Cadence
    Patrick, Lila, Joel and Cara

    I would also like to suggest the names Alyssa and Stella. In fact, Lila and Stella are great sister names!

    Patrick, Lila, Joel and Stella. Awesome!

    For a boy, I like Adam, David or Henry.

    Good luck!

  16. liz

    I’m dittoing Catherine, Caroline (Caddie), Corinne, and Chloe. Maybe Casey? Colleen?

    But I’m also gonna push for you to use Alice as a first name.

  17. Kelsey D


    I agree with Swistle… I think it is fun to do neat things with names (such as the initials spelling out your husband’s name,etc) but only if you end up with a name that you love. If you choose a name that you are “ok” with but pass on one that you really like or love, then to me it doesn’t seem so much fun anymore. On that note, if you would be willing to veer from the “fun” I do really love Alice for a first name.

    Other “C” names I like:
    Claire – this seems to look/feel like a mix between Clara and Alice
    Calla – although I’m not sure if this would be too weird/close to calla lily with your other daughter
    Camille or Camilla
    Coral – too “weird”??
    Campbell – although this is a bit more “unisex” in my opinion.

    Non-“C” girl names:
    STELLA!! Swooning. I would stop right there!! Patrick, Joel, Lila, and Stella!
    Ruby. Patrick, Joel, Lila and Ruby.

    Boy names:
    I think Swistle gave you a ton of good options. I personally love Callum or Malcolm.

    What about Carter?? Carter seems to fit well with Patrick and Joel. I think this is my favourite.

    Oh… what about Duncan? My girlfriend just named her little guy that and its soo sweet. I also really like Grady. Or Cohen?

    I also love Simon for this sib set. Theo is really cute too.

    Good luck! Keep us posted!

  18. Kaela

    Chiming in with a name that just randomly occurred to me– Violet. I think it goes with your other kids’ names so well!

  19. Colleen

    I love previous suggestions of Charlotte, Calla, Claire, and Colleen =) I also have a brother named Patrick, so I can vouch for Patrick and Colleen being an awesome sibset.

    I’m really not digging Stella as an option for this group. I particularly dislike it when paired with Lila.

    Other boy names you might enjoy:

  20. TheFirstA

    For C names I will suggest Cordelia & Calla, but I agree you should pick a name you love and not worry about the initials too much. You’re older kids’ initials don’t spell anything or match, so it’s not like breaking a theme.

    For non-C names that I think would work well, I’ll suggest Nora, Fiona, Olivia, Audrey & Mira.

    For boys, I like Matthew, Luke/Lucas, Everett & Milo. I also thought of Levi, but can’t decide if it’s too similar to Lila or not.

  21. Shannon

    Looks like you’re unanimously released from the pressure to choose a C name, although a lot of good ones have been suggested!

    I’d go with Clara over Cora or Cara, simply because it would bug me to have three 4-letter names and one 7-letter, but I’m highly obsessive about that kind of thing. Good luck!

  22. Kelsey D

    Ah. I should comment that we are planning on throwing out our naming pattern if this babe we are pregnant with right now is a boy.

    So our naming style was Similiar to yours.
    Name we love, family name my side, family name his side, last name.

    But if this babe is a boy, the name we love best happens to also be my grandfathers middle name (even if there was no family connection we still love this name best). So, even though he as a person doesn’t mean any more to me/us then the rest of the family members we’ve honoured in the previous two kiddos names, it is the name we love best so that’s why we are choosing it for a first name.

    So…. If you love Alice best, then I think if explained that… Even if it wasn’t an honor/family name you would still love it… Then you can definitely use it!!

  23. Jess

    Lila is such a cool name. I second the many Cleo and Claudia votes, but don’t forget Claudine or Claudette. Apparently Claudie was popular enough in the 1890s to get on the charts too! My fave of the four is Cleo Alice. Cleo and Lila, Patrick and Joel.

  24. Tracie S

    Omgoodness! What a sweet surprise! The same thing happened to us. Our last, baby number 4, we were set on Paige Evelyn and loved it dearly…. then our little man Nolan came. I was in denial for hours (our only daughter is 10, I was craving a little girl) but he’s the best baby and couldn’t imagine it any other way


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