Baby Boy Oravec, Brother to Haven Bombay, Tusker Monsoon, and Lark India

Hi there!

We are expecting a new baby in January and it’s a boy! Boy names are so much harder for us. We have two girls who are almost 6 and almost 2 named Haven Bombay Oravec and Lark India Oravec. We had a baby boy in between who sadly died shortly after birth — he kept his pre birth nickname of Tusker (we were traveling in Kenya during my pregnancy and that was the local beer) and became Tusker Monsoon Oravec.

We are currently expats posted in Mumbai, India and decided to give our kids middle names to reflect their place of birth to carry with them when they return to the US. We would consider the middle name Carmichael which was the first street we lived on in Mumbai or another name reflective of the local culture or neighborhoods. We can work around any great first name choice.

For first names, I was hoping to choose a name that has a strong connotation like his sisters (Haven -safe, Lark- happy, whimsical). On another note, his dad is Brian and his grandpa is Bruce so there is a tradition of Bs. We considered naming Tusker, Beckett but he didn’t live long enough to see if it fit.

Names we’ve got on our early list(in no particular order):
Phoenix (my husband is not so sure, but I like the idea of rising from the ashes of our earlier loss)
Benegal/Bengal ( a family name on my side — could also be middle name)
Danger (always thought it would be a fun middle name but not sure I have the guts to follow through with it)

If he was a girl, we might name her:

We like to have 2-3 options and then live with the baby a couple of days to see what sticks. Can you help? I’m really struggling with this one!




Looking at the first names of the surviving sibling group helped clarify things for me: it pares the question down to “Haven, Lark, and ______?” When I looked at the full names, a name like Flash seemed to fit well; when I looked only at the names that would be used in everyday life, it no longer fit.

I feel the same about Danger, Brave, and Lucky: those choices feel too bold with your daughters’ names, and are not names that pass the “Would you want to live with this name yourself?” test for me. I’ll suggest the “Starbucks test” that has been suggested here before: it can be helpful to order a coffee (or place a reservation, or anything else where you need to give them your name) and see how it feels to do so as, for example, Flash. This can also give valuable insight into the likely reactions of the public to a name.

The name Flash has the additional downside of being a euphemism for people exposing their private parts in public.

The name Danger has the additional downside of turning into a tiresome joke. “What, it’s not your middle name? Hur hur hur.”

Lucky has the additional downside of being a euphemism for sexual success. (“Honey, I’ve got my hands full here—can you get Lucky?”)

It is a little painful to consider a timid or shy person trying to carry the name Brave or Danger, or an unlucky person trying to carry the name Lucky. Your daughters’ names have pleasing meanings, but not ones that will make them look silly or awkward if their personalities/lives fail to comply.

Phoenix seems okay, though I don’t like the idea of this child rising from “the ashes of loss”: the metaphor is too strong, and gives me shivery literal thoughts of cremation ashes—as well as giving the unfortunate misimpression that this child is meant to replace his brother, or even to be the rebirth of his brother. It would also give you two children with bird names.


My first and favorite suggestion is Felix. It sounds like Phoenix, and means lucky and happy. Felix Oravec; Haven, Lark, and Felix.

For B names, I’d suggest:

Blaise (sounds like Blaze)

I especially like Bond for its noun meaning of a close connection or tie. The downside, I think, is the potential for James Bond jokes.

Bridger, too, pleases me for its feeling of a bridge or connection or tie. The main downside is that it may be mistaken for the more familiar name Bridget. I also find it a little difficult to say with the surname.

I love Barnaby, and it means “son of comfort” or “son of consolation.”

Brooks gives me a naturey feeling that goes well with your daughters’ names.

Benedict means “blessed,” and Benedict Cumberbatch is certainly doing his part to reduce the Benedict Arnold association. But because Benedict Oravec has the same rhythm as Benedict Cumberbatch, he may find himself participating in the name joke—or perhaps that will soon be a distant memory.

Bennett is a form of Benedict, and so also means “blessed.”

Boone means “good” or “blessed,” and has a Daniel Boone association that may be pleasing.

Bernard means “brave/strong as a bear.”

Bryce means “strength” according to at least one source (“speckled” or “Rice’s son” according to others).


A few more names with good meanings/associations:




Name update!


Thanks for all your help thinking through names. Our son was born a little over 2 weeks early on December 22– giving Santa a real challenge to fill a stocking in time!

We finally named him Bodhi Carmichael Oravec. Bodhi for wisdom and because I felt very “zen” as I labored with him, feeling most comfortable getting through tough contractions in a butterfly position with my eyes closed in a somewhat meditative state. Carmicheal is the street where my family house was for many years in Mumbai where he was born and the place where we burried some ashes and the placenta of the baby boy we lost at birth 3.5 years before Bodhi’s arrival.  The name suits him perfectly and only came to us as we waited for his arrival at the hospital so I feel he had a part in it too. Sometimes it just happens that way.

Thanks again!

Aisha, Brian, Haven, Lark & Bodhi


45 thoughts on “Baby Boy Oravec, Brother to Haven Bombay, Tusker Monsoon, and Lark India

  1. liz

    I love the suggestion of Felix!

    Harbor from your girl’s names list can also be used for a boy. What about Hale (meaning healthy and strong), or Brio (meaning life and strength), or Happy?

  2. reagan

    From your list, my favorite is Blaze. I also like Bengal with the handy nickname of Ben. Another B name that I like with your daughters names is Basil … Haven, Lark, and Basil.

    From your list, I find Archer, Phoenix, Wolf and Flash okay albiet not particularly my style but don’t think the others work for a real child. (Danger, Lucky, and Brave seem somewhat challenging as names depdnign one one’s life circumstances.) Instead of Lucky, Chance might work better as a name. Instead of Brave, Hardy (which means brave) might work better.

    Based on your daughters names and these noun names, it seems like virtue names or ones with positive might be what you are looking for. Have you considered Noble, Victor, Sage (I know this is on your girls list), or Pax.

    As for middle names that are associated with India, have you considered Cumin, Cardamon, or Curry?What about Brahman or Bhopal?

    My favorites are Hardy Brahman, Basil Cardamon, and Sage Bengal.

  3. Laura

    I agree some of the names on your list may be problematic and garner some strange reactions. Those that would be too out there, at least for me, are Flash, Brave, Lucky & Danger. But I think I get the sense of your style – you want an unusual name that has some meaning behind the name. Some of these B names might work for you: Birch, Booker, Bridge. Others that might fit your style:
    Miller (although the beer connection is strong for me but I like the sound of it)
    I would also consider place names that have meaning to you. I like Bengal as a middle name for this baby! It isn’t precisely a place name but it’s quite exotic yet strong & masculine.

  4. dregina

    I know a little boy named Summit, i wonder if that would work for y’all? I love Swistle’s suggestion of Felix.

  5. Lucy's Mom

    Before I even got to your girl list, I thought of Harbor! Harbor Carmichael….Haven, Lark, Tusker & Harbor – just love it!

    I also thought of Journey for you – Journey Carmichael

    Best of luck & congrats!

  6. Elizabeth

    I like the suggestion of Felix. It fits really well as a sibling set with your other names.

    I also love the suggestion of Sterling.

    I’d offer Cyprus, Destin, Cyan, or Darby.

  7. British American

    I like Bengal best from your list. It’s a family name. It has the familiar nickname of Ben. It fits the B theme. It conjures up the image of fierce tigers. Though that is a contrast to the more peaceful happy connotations of your daughters’ names. It does fit the noun-naming theme though.

  8. TheFirstA

    I love the suggestion of Felix for you! Benedict & Bennett are also very nice.

    Instead of Brave, maybe something that means brave without seeming so obvious? Ari, Basil or Erol? Or any English/German derived name with the “hard/ard” element like Everard, Bernard, etc.

    I also like the suggestion of Wilder. Or any nature name could work really. Sage, Griffin, Forrest, Linden, or Hart?

  9. Zoe

    I think a boy’s virtue or nature name + Bengal as a middle would be great.

    Honestly, Felix Bengal is pretty much perfect.

  10. Julie

    Are you staying in India long? If so Lucky would be fine. For a middle going along with geography names what about Maratha?

  11. Ira sass

    I agree that Lucky, Danger, Flash, or Brave would be really hard names to go through life with. Better as nicknames or for pets.

    I love the name Lark India – I know a Lark as well.

    Suggestions I liked:
    Haven, Lark, and ________
    Ari (means brave in Armenian, lion in Hebrew)

    I liked some of the -N names (Griffin, Aspen) but then you’d have two kids whose names ended in an N sound and one who didn’t.

    As an alternative to Wolf, what about a name that means wolf?
    Rafe (but it sounds similar to rape)
    Lyall (but then you’d have two L kids)

    Other names that mean brave:

  12. Hannah

    Seconding the suggestion of Sterling! I think it fits your family so well, and it’s a stunning, solid name. Plus Sterling Carmichael sounds incredibly distinguished. I also like Forrest and River.

  13. Kathleen Jones

    Since you already have children named with literal meanings, I suggest continuing that trend. I noticed that some of your girls names could work for boys as well: Sage, Wren or perhaps investigate that style a little more… what about Bay or Sorrel? You could also go with an animal inspired name for your son like Falcon, Hawk, Lynx or Peregrine. Lastly you could look at virtue names such as Shelter and Solace. Congrats and good luck!

  14. The Mrs.

    I love this post! And I love your naming style!

    I want to second the ideas of Noble and Merit. They are decidedly masculine, have history, and are abstract nouns.

    Let me throw one more onto the pile: Endeavor. Endeavor Carmichael has serious gravitas.
    Haven, Lark, and Endeavor. (Nicknames could be Ev, Evan, Ender, or Dean)

    Please, oh, PLEASE let us know what you choose for this second and blessed son. Congrats!

  15. Kelsey D

    My initial thought was, wow what a great way to tie in an important part of your lives that the children can keep with them no matter where they live. Then when I saw you were in India, I was thinking of different names you could use. THEN I saw you would be interested in keeping the “B” tradition in your family (super neat way to honour without having to use a specific name). Then I instantly thought this is the PERFECT opportunity to use the name Brahman. It has significant meaning to the Hindu culture, which ties into the culture of India (I suggest you do a bit of reading on this name as I think you will find that it has the “ultimate” meaning behind it.) Plus, you could use the nn Bram which is entirely charming on its own. I LOVE this name, for a first or a middle name. Plus, Haven, Lark, and Bram (Brahman). Love this combination. I would personally stop here. If not a first name, definitely a perfect middle name.

  16. Gail

    For a “B” name, I’d suggest Beowulf, nicknamed Wolf. We have a 9th-grader with this name in our (coastal Maine) community, and it’s been readily accepted.

  17. Ashli

    Before I read Swistle’s response I immediately thought of Blaise as Blaze is on your list. I have always liked this name for a boy but my husband would not get on board with this name. Good luck choosing, you have a unique naming style!

  18. Reekay

    Since you like Flash what about Dash? I know a little Dash and think it is charming and it’s not even my naming style

  19. StephLove

    I like Archer and Blaze from your list for you, and I thought Felix was a great suggestion. How about Cruz or Jagger? Or another nature name like Cedar, Forest, or River?

  20. Kate

    Ooh I love your style!

    I like Swistle’s suggestions of Sterling, Noble, Justice, and Felix, but especially Boone (I would spell it Boon, like the noun, following the style of your daughters’ names, but I wouldn’t hate the spelling Boone). The meaning behind it — benefit, favor — is great, especially with the meaning of the girls’ names, and sort of gets at the “Phoenix” meaning without being explicit.

    I also really like the suggestions by other posters of Hale, Clay, Pax, Hardy, and Dune — all names I had on the list I wanted to suggest as I read through. Hale and Hardy are my favorites for their meaning; Dune has a cool sound imo.

    I’d love to offer a few more suggestions:
    Rune (referring to mystery/magic, poem/song)
    Jet(t) (connection to flying, or the material sometimes used in jewelry)
    Flint (used for producing a spark)
    Colt (makes me think young, strong, and energetic)

    I like that they all have positive meanings, full of vitality and beauty. (And I now see that some of my favorites of all those suggested by Swistle, others, and myself are Boon(e), Dune, and Rune. I guess I like that sound!)

    From your own list I love Blaze and Bengal; Bengal especially seems quite perfect for its family connection, its Indian connection, and, if you were to use it in the first name spot, the great nickname of Ben. I also really like Carmichael for a middle.

    All of that said, I think my favorite combo would be Boon(e) Carmichael. It’s a B name, it has a great meaning that’s similar in feel to your girls’ names, and a meaning that can have connection to Tusker via the idea of happiness after loss. Please do let us know what you choose!

  21. sooboo

    I love out of the box names and I really enjoyed this post. I once knew a guy named Arrow and another one named Siddhartha (Sidd for short) who were both popular with the ladies. I also had an uncle named Rock. He spelled it Rok, which I always thought was a cool/ strong name too.

  22. E

    Love Felix! Colt, Ledger – Also great suggestions and Rafe and Boone are both personal favorites.
    Some other thoughts…

  23. Melissa H

    Just a note on the first name. I love your idea of a place/geography middle name but as a person who lives right next to the town of Carmichael, CA (suburb of Sacramento) if you find yourselves stateside in CA the middle name would likely bring to mind Northern CA not India. I love the other India-related suggestions given. Or what about just using Mumbai as a middle if that’s where you live? A nice connection to his sister with different versions of the same city name.

    Can’t wait to hear what you decide.

  24. JMV

    My immediate reaction was to suggest Arrow or Atlas. I like both of those names with your siblings.
    – Haven, Lark, and Arrow
    – Haven, Lark, and Atlas

    I really like Kelsey D’s suggestion of Brahman with a nn Bram. I LOVE that idea!

    Going with the light/flame concept and the tradition of a “B”, how about Beacon. The potential downside is that the name could be read as Bacon.
    Since you like Lucky, but might not like the sexual connotation, perhaps you’d prefer Lux. I also like Talon.

    Good luck!

  25. Sarah

    Bodhi? I know it doesn’t quite fit one of yor potential name patterns (noun fn, India-related mn) but it does fit another: great meaning after a tragic loss, Sanskrit origin, starts with B.

    Haven, Lark and Bodhi

  26. A

    What about Haven, Lark, and Dashiell nn Dash. It’s similar to flash but it’s a more heard of name. It sounds great! Or Nash. Lark, Haven, and Nash.

    1. Eva.G

      I agree! I love Dash. And Nash is good too. Dash sounds great with many middle names. Dash Bengal or Dash Carmichael, for example.

  27. meganb

    I love Archer! Goes well with your girl’s names, is a noun, and additionally has adorable Archie as a nn.

    Archer Carmichael sounds great to me…assonant in a good way!

  28. Eva.G

    I love this post too! I love your naming style and would love to meet more children running around with many of these names.

    I really think Felix is perfect for you! But I like many of the suggestions, including Harbor, Atlas, Noble, Dash, Merit, Cedar and Noble.

    I’ll also suggest Travers. Haven, Lark, Tusker and Travers. Both boys would share an initial.


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