Baby Boy McScottish

Vanessa writes:

I’m currently 32 weeks pregnant and on hospital bedrest hoping and praying for every additional day. Needless to say I have lots of time on my hand. I stumbled upon your site and I’d love your input. My husband and I have agreed not to reveal any names candidates or choices until after we name him. This has made the process that much more difficult.

Ok, so I’m VERY picky when it comes to names. I don’t like names that are too popular, can be shortened into nick names and initials are important too.

So our son’s name is Jameson Richard (last name is McScottish name). That was really the only one we could agree on. Naming baby boy #2 had proven to be much more difficult. He is due August 11 but could arrive at anytime. My son wants to name him “sister” but that’s just not going to work. Our girl name from last time around was Theresa which we will most likely use if we have more children. So the two boys could have a sister names Theresa as well.

So here are our top choices – please give me your thoughts, impressions, if you know anyone named these IRL…

Connor Declan McScottish
Connor Joseph McScottish
Declan Patrick McScottish
Declan Thomas McScottish

I’m also open to suggestions. Oh, and “B” names are out because the initials would be BM. Although my MIL didn’t think of that when she named my husband who got teased all through grade school. She actually told me I was being too picky about initials, and that’s when my husband told her that kids did make fun of his initials…

I love the name Declan, so that’s my vote. Let’s put a poll over to the right for the four top candidates. [Poll closed; see results below.] And it would be nice if we got a lively discussion going in the comment section—bedrest SUCKS, and we’ll see what we can do to entertain!

Poll results (227 votes total):
Connor Declan: 26 votes, roughly 11%
Connor Joseph: 49 votes, roughly 22%
Declan Patrick: 53 votes, roughly 23%
Declan Thomas: 99 votes, roughly 44%

Name update! Vanessa writes:
I wrote to you back in June asking for name help for “Baby Boy McScottish” We had been told he would not make it to full term, but lo and behold, he was born yesterday, August 6, at 39w2d and I was induced at that!

After several more brainstorming sessions, we decided on Declan Thomas.

Thanks for all your help. I loved reading everyone’s suggestions. Should we have the pleasure to name another baby, I’ll be back to ask for help!

23 thoughts on “Baby Boy McScottish

  1. Catharina

    I love Declan Thomas. I have never met a Declan, and I think Connor is a lot more common (although I do like it a lot, too). Jameson, Declan and Theresa sounds lovely to me.
    Crossing my fingers that everything goes well and your son still waits a few more weeks before his arrival!

  2. -R-

    I love all those name combinations. I know a baby Declan who is super cute, and an adult Declan who is a nice guy. I know a teenage Connor, and he is a good kid. I don’t think you can go wrong.

  3. Sarah

    I think that Declan has a lot going for it, but I’m not sure where to put the accent when I see it on paper.

    Connor is nice–it’s familiar without being overused. I think it is on its way towards being a new classic.

    Bedrest does suck. My first son was born at 32 weeks (my second son was born at 29 6/7 weeks!). He had some time in the NICU, but he did great. I’m sure you’re at a great hospital and that they will take care of you both very well. These hospital days will soon be a distant memory!

    Hang in there! You’ve gotten this far and that’s a lot already!

  4. Anonymous

    I am also a fan of Declan. Connor is heading towards the popular I think, and Declan has a bit of energy to it. Declan McScottish. Very good!

  5. heather

    I like Declan as a more unique name itself, but with Jameson I really like Connor better. Connor Joseph.
    Like someone else said, Connor is nice and familiar but not being overused.

    Others that I like with Jameson and McScottish (and Theresa):

  6. Anonymous

    I’ve always heard Declan pronounced with the accent on the first syllable (Deck-lin), to answer Sarah’s question.

  7. Joceline

    I’m voting Declan Thomas. My son is named Declan (so of course I love it!), and we call him Dec, which I think is a super-adorable nickname!

  8. Rayne of Terror

    I like Garrett Declan McScottish. In my area Connor is pretty popular. There has been one in each daycare classroom and daycare center my son has attended in his 3 1/2 years of daycare.

  9. Steph the WonderWorrier

    I was tempted to vote Connor for the familiarity, but frankly, Declan is REALLY growing on me.

    Love Declan Thomas like the others!

    I’m trying to think of how to make this discussion more lively… maybe a poem?

    I know you’re stuck in a bed,
    Bored as I’m sure you have said,
    But at the end of this time
    Your baby will be cryin’
    And you’ll never scoff at time in a bed again!


    LOL… not so entertaining, I know. But at least I gave it a try!

    … okay, also, re-reading my poem it sounds a little depressing, with the line about the crying baby… but you’re not a first time mom, you remember. LOL. ;-)

  10. Leslie

    I love, love, love Declan AND Connor, so it’s a tough choice. My favorite combinations for each are Declan Thomas and Connor Declan. You really can’t go wrong either way, but I think I agree with others on their recommendation for Declan Thomas. So handsome!

    Best of luck with bedrest and everything else!!!

  11. Anna

    My brother is Connor Scott, I love Connor! Connor Joseph is my pick from those four, hope your wee man stays baking, hope you got some good books to read :)

  12. Firegirl

    I add my vote to the Declan team.

    All the years I worked with children, I usually cringed when I had a Connor. (sincere apologies to Mom’s with Connors) They seemed to be stinkers each time. (:-D

    But my friend J has a Conor (Irish spelling, same pronounciation) and he’s a dear so there’s that. Maybe it’s the extra N. hahahaha

  13. Erica

    I’m going to vote over in the poll, but I wanted to say that it seems as though your first born and the soon-to-be-second born have Very Scottish sounding names. I love that, really. I just think that Theresa sort of seems like the odd one out. Is your heart set on a future Theresa? If it is, I’d maybe go with a less Scottish sounding name for your second son.

  14. Anonymous

    I just wanted to say that I think Erica made a really good point re: Theresa.

    I think you’ll be fine with either Connor or Declan, but it may not be a bad idea to keep the door open to something else.

  15. Portia

    I love both names, but I voted for Connor because, to me, Declan sounds a little singsongy with Jameson. But that may be only to my ears.

  16. Anonymous

    Declan Thomas is my favorite. Declan is great, and Thomas gives it good balance. Patrick kinda sounds like too much with Declan–and you want people to appreciate the Declan!

  17. Anonymous

    I’m not sold on Declan… one doesn’t wish to be contrary, but you did ask. If you’re still looking for new grist for the mill, I’m partial to ‘Aidan Thomas’ and ‘Adam Ross’…

    ‘Course there’s always ‘Thomas Andrew’ in which case we have ‘tam’ for the initials, hard to beat in keeping with the Scots motive.

    Of the three first names suggested here, I think Aidan best follows ‘Jameson &’. Also satisfies the ‘no nick’ parameter… As to the relative popularity of these names I haven’t the foggiest idea.

    Hang in there!


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