Our Favorite Baby Name Sibsets Starting with Z

Maybe this will not be as fun as the alphabet game we were playing before, where we pretended we were naming a fresh new baby and the name had to start with a particular letter. But I was at work the other day, and there were two books near each other, one that mentioned a Hazel and one that mentioned a Harriet, and it occurred to me that Hazel and Harriet would be a splendid sister set for someone who didn’t mind repeating an initial—and in fact, many parents repeat an initial on purpose. So let’s just TRY this and see if we like it.

The rules are much less strict for this game, because it is so much more complicated than before. This time you can choose any number of siblings, any number of boys/girls. This might be TOO broad in scope and, as we play, we might come up with better guidelines. But for now, the idea is that we are imagining a little sibling set of children (they do not have to be our own children), and all of their names are going to start with the same letter, and we will just see how things go from there. As before, you can say as much or as little as you like about your decision-making process, and you can choose multiple sibling sets (“This is what I’d choose for two girls, this is what I’d choose for three boys, this is what I’d choose for one boy and one girl…”) or just one—whatever is most fun / whatever you have the time and energy for on that particular day.

For this first attempt, let’s start with the letter Z. When we played the previous game with Z, I chose Zinnia for a girl and Zeke for a boy, and I do like those in a sibling set. I also like Zinnia and Zachariah. Zinnia and Zipporah is cute for two girls—though I’d much rather be named Zinnia than Zipporah, so that gives me an unbalanced feeling about it. For a very different style, I think Zachary and Zoe are nice together, and I like Zeke and Zelda. I had trouble making brother sets; Z is such a limited letter. But that makes it nice for a starter letter, as we are getting used to this.

51 thoughts on “Our Favorite Baby Name Sibsets Starting with Z

  1. Reagan

    Fun! So I am going to play the game with three siblings, and look at what I would use for two different scenarios (not worrying about birth order 2 boys and 1 girl or 2 girls and 1 boy.

    Źane, Zeke, and Zoey
    Zara, Zoey, and Zeke

    1. Yolihet

      I’m going to follow others on naming 3 kids, for this game. So my sibset will be Zoé, Zora and Zeke

    1. Thea

      My faves for sister and brother have always been Zelda and Zebulon. Love them 💜💙 Zellie and Zeb.

      2 girls: Zelda and Zephyr

      2 boys: Zebulon and Zachariah, Zeb and Zach

  2. kellyelkman

    I don’t love a lot of names starting with Z, but as a sibset I like Zachary and Zinnia, nickname Zach and Zinnie. I also love Zoey, Zara and Zadie together.

  3. Meigh

    Zephram and Zora would be great boy/girl sibs! (Yes, trek fans I know it’s spelled with an F in canon but I like a ph better.)

    I also love Zora and Zelda for a girl pair, names from two greats of the early 20th century!

  4. Amity

    Ahhh! This might be hard for me! We have 10 kids and for organization we chose separate letters for each. So I’ve not considered same letter siblings much. I literally skip the letters in the name book if we have a kid with that letter.
    But I’ll certainly try.

    I could see 3 little boys: Zack, Zane and Zeke. But mom was exhausted so no little sister.

  5. Cece

    I’m not sure I would actually name my children this, but if I met a couple of little girls called Zenobia and Zosia I would melt.

    In terms of my own personal taste- Zelie and Zora are probably more my style.

  6. Renée

    Ooh!!! Thanks for a new game, Swistle!

    I’m going to look at my names from the first game and see if they’re a B/G match, then do GG, BB.

    Zuzu & Zane- yep, love it
    Zuzu & Zadie
    Zane & Zev

  7. Ashley

    I think for the purposes of this game I’ll play as if I’m renaming my actual sibset of children (1 boy, 2 girls) with the letter. Z is hard for me because I don’t really love any Z names, but I think I’d do

    1. BSharp

      Ooh. In this case I’m adding an imaginary kid, but otherwise yes. So I’ll revise my entry to Zinnia, Zelie, and Zane.

  8. Maree


    Zoe & Zuzanna

    Zaccheaus and Zephyr (but probably not really – is Zacc and Zeph too Zac Ephron??) Assume it is, so maybe Zephyr and Zechariah instead but I would mourn Zacchaeus

  9. Maureen Renee

    Letter Z is hard for me too! I am going with Ashley’s idea of re-naming my own children (boy, boy, girl). I am going with: Zander, Zeke, & Zara

  10. EmRose

    I said Zenobia and Zebulon the last time around, but I don’t think I’d choose them together. I’m going to name three kids each time for this game. Zebulon is such a good name- to go with it, I’m going to choose Zelda and Zora. Zeb, Zelda and Zora!

  11. Carolyn

    If I had 2 girls, I would go with Zelie and Zita.
    2 boys are harder: Zack and Zed.
    Boy and girl: Zita and Zack

    1. Carolyn

      I’m stealing the idea to add middle names. I also saw that a commenter used Zosia for a girl name, so if I had 3 girls, Zosia would absolutely be in the running!

      Zita Teresa
      Zelie Therese
      Zachary John

  12. KM

    Zara and… Zinnia maybe? This one will be hard because a lot of my favorite names for a letter have similar sounds

  13. Birdie

    Zara and Zoe, or Zara and Zeke (I like the parallel spelling of these two).

    Also, another fun idea might be to create sibling sets based on certain themes! Like nature names, names from figures in science or politics or literature, names from your family’s ethnic background, honor names/names from your family tree, etc etc. You can even select a certain vibe from The Baby Name Wizard and go from there! I think this would be fun too :)

  14. Kait

    My kids go to school with a sibset named Zac & Zoe!

    My good friend has a daughter named Zipporah. I wouldn’t have said I liked that name before, but it’s so cute on her little girl!

    For my sibset, I’ll go with Zipporah & Zion.

  15. Leith

    I knew a sibset when I was a kid named Zabrina, Zane, and… I think Zachary.

    I didn’t jump in on the last game so I’m excited to play this time! I think the way I’m going to do it is that I’ll pick two boy-coded names, two girl-coded names and two gender-nonspecific (or less-specific anyway) and assume that if I were naming an IRL sibset, I’d choose from this pool of names. I might do middles sometimes, but not today…


  16. Beth

    I used a random number generator to pick the number and sex of my sibset. I’m naming 1 boy and 1 girl. I’m also not allowed to reuse any names from the last game (if I can remember them).
    Zion & Zadie

  17. Megz

    I didn’t play last time around but I’m going to this time.

    I could easily see myself with a Zoe and Zachary (Zac).

    Slightly outside the rules of the game, but for twin sisters I’ve always loved Zinnia and Xanthe, or Zinnia and Azalea, but I love them on someone else’s children or on Sims. For myself I think it would fall in the category of just too much.

  18. rlbelle

    I struggled to decide whether to name the fantasy family from my very early 20s (two boys and two girls), or the family I fantasize about now, were we to have an “oops” pregnancy (adding boy/girl twins to our already existing family of two daughters). Z is a great letter for determining which would be more fun/easier – turns out, it’s pretty difficult to find three same-gender names that I both like, and that fit together style-wise with a challenging letter like Z. So, two boys and two girls it is:

    Zachary, Zelda, Zane, and Zoe.

  19. Ducky

    Random number generator gave me 4 kids, 2 boys and 2 girls


    And the letter Z has official stopped looking real!


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