Baby Boy or Girl Rough, Sibling to Felix and Sage

Hi Swistle,

I am currently pregnant with our third (and most likely last) child who is due in March. We don’t know (and not going to find out) the sex of this baby.

We have 2 sons – Felix George and Sage William. Our last name is short, and sounds like rough.

One thing that we really like about their names are the meanings – Felix (happy), Sage (wise). Having a great positive meaning wasn’t a priority for us when we named Felix and Sage, but now that we have two children with good meanings, we want it to continue for our third.

We also like names that aren’t overly popular, if you see it written, you know how to pronounce, if you hear it, you know how to basically spell it.

Names we have contemplated in the past include the following



Any suggestions you have for names with strong, positive meanings would be appreciated!!

Thank you

19 thoughts on “Baby Boy or Girl Rough, Sibling to Felix and Sage

  1. TheFirstA

    From your list, I like Otto best with Felix & Sage and it has the kind of meaning you seem to prefer. Otis would be another, similar option. From the girl list, Thea would be my first choice, and is the only name that really has the kind of strong, positive meaning you want.

    Other boy suggestions: Hugh, Jasper, Solomon, Miles/Milo (meaning not certain)

    Girl suggestions: Joy, Rowena, Bliss, Bythe

  2. Ash

    Coming to suggest Blythe for a girl as well!

    Other girl suggestions: Caris, Mercy, Aliza
    Other boy suggestions: Truman, Alister, Barrett, Asher, Reign

    From your lists, I like Thea and Edison

  3. Jd

    Girl suggestions: Ruth (compassionate), Amity (friend) Carys (love)
    Boys: Loyal, August, Bailey (capable), Micah (like the Lord)

    I love Otis and Otto for you but wonder if “wealthy” is comparable to “wisdom” and “happiness”

    My favorites are Micah, Carys, Ruth and Cora.

  4. Renee

    I like the idea from the heart (kind, love) as a third meaning! So Mungo, Hubert / Hugh, Lev, Carys (seconded), Kerensa… or maybe peace so Pax, Irene, Mira, Wilfred? Or brave – Ari, Basil, Bernard, Conrad. Feels a bit hard to bridge Felix and Sage! I think it has to be something which shows its meaning to most people – so Carys and Pax are my votes. Also love the (other) suggestions of Ruth, Joy and Loyal.

  5. Emarie

    I love the name August for you! Strong meaning (great, magnificent) and fits right in with his brothers.

    If this new person is a little girl, I love Millicent (strength in work), but would call her Millie. Or Matilda (battle-mighty) and call her Tillie. Augusta would also work!

    A lot of girl names seem to have flowery or beauty-based meanings. Nothing wrong with that (those are some of my favorites!), but since the meaning is important to you, I find myself hesitating to give “wise” and “happy”’s little sister a name that just means “beautiful” or “makes others happy”. I tend to want to name her “strong and smart and knows her own strength and fulfills her own destiny”. Which is kind of an intense name. But I would maybe make a list of virtues you’d like her to have and then google search “name meaning x” and see what pops up.

    Good luck and please send an update!

  6. The Mrs.

    Asher means ‘happy’. That’s a nice compliment to big brothers ‘lucky’ and ‘wise’. Felix, Sage, and Asher… eclectic and cool.

    I second the idea of Blythe! ‘Carefree’ is a pretty great trait for a lady with two older brothers.

    Amity might work for you as well. If it’s too noun-ish, how about Amabel? What girl wouldn’t appreciate having a name meaning ‘lovable’? She’s as classic as Cora or Hazel but with history as rich as Thea. Felix, Sage, & Amabel.

    Best wishes!

  7. Maree

    The suggestion of Blythe is my favourite. Or Vera/Verity. Sophia is popular but personifies wisdom. Or what about Olympia? Or Athena? You could go in a different direction with Naomi which means pleasant. Charis (for charity/love). Agnes means Lamb with all those associations.

    For boys: Paschal or Pascoe? Madoc is said to mean fortunate. Can’t get much better than happy, wise, and fortunate! Abel doesn’t have the meaning able but the sound is there. Felix, Sage, and Abel sound good to my ear.

    What an interesting puzzle!

  8. Reagan

    With Felix and Sage, my favorites from your list are Otis, Cora, and Hazel. Unfortunately, the meanings aren’t as nice as happy and wise (wealth, maiden, and hazelnut tree).

    For a little sister, I like:

    Iris (rainbow)
    Olive (peace)
    Esme (beloved)
    Audrey (strength)

    For a brother, I like:

    Aaron (enlightened)
    Garrett (strength)
    Axel (peace)
    Levi (joined in harmony)
    Ezra (helper)

  9. RL

    I like a lot of the suggestions already!

    For a boy, what about Emmet (truth)? Emmerich/Amaury (hard working)?

    For a girl, Liv? Eve? (Both mean life) Estella/Aster (star)?

  10. laura

    I thought about Vivien (full of life/ lively), Felicity, Sonia (Golden or wise depending on which language you translate from), or Joy for a girl
    I also had Emmet (truth) or Emil (excellence) for boys

  11. Steph Lovelady

    How about a name with personal meaning for you, like a significant place or the name of a relative or admired figure? (Though if it’s a boy, maybe not an admired figure, given the news as of late. Admired figures are falling fast.)

  12. Kim C

    Angus (strength)
    Boone (blessing)
    Miles (generous)
    Wyatt (brave)
    Truman (faithful)

    Allegra (joyous)
    Beatrix (happiness)
    Mabel (beautiful)
    Abigail (father’s joy)
    Jolie (cheerful)

    1. Pemi

      I’m pretty sure Jolie means “pretty,” OP, just on the off chance that you choose it and needed to make sure (: Great suggestions, Kim!

  13. Edie

    Along the same lines, meaning-wise, as Eleanor:

    Elin (light)
    Lucia (light)
    Aurora (dawn)
    Danica (morning star)

    I like the idea of a “full of life” meaning too. Vita, Zoe, Enid?

    Cora reminds me of Cara: ‘dear’ from Latin/Italian, ‘friend’ from Irish…

  14. Becky

    My favorite virtue name is Mercy, and I think it sounds great with Felix and Sage, if you end up adding a girl to your family.


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