Baby Girl Holland, Sister to Valerie and Savannah

C. writes:

Hello! I’m hoping you can help us out with naming our baby girl, due Feb. 2013. Hubby and I just cannot seem to agree on a name.

One thing we do agree on is the middle name: Valeska. It was my grandmother’s name. He loves the name, and initially wanted to use it as a first name (Valeska Rose was his choice), but I already have a daughter named Valerie Marie, and for me they are just too close, plus Valerie is called “Val” much of the time, and I feel like we’d end up with 2 Val’s. So – to the middle name goes Valeska, and we’re both fine with that.
As some additional background, he also has a daughter from a previous marriage, Savannah Grace. The baby’s last name will be Holland.
I really like the name Elle. I think Elle Valeska is lovely, and I especially like how Elle sounds with Holland.  I also have a relative I’m close to whose name is Anne Valeska, and I feel like Elle Valeska is a sort of homage to her. He says he can’t get past the fact that “he’s just saying a letter.” (L)  He likes Audrey and Emersyn, both of which I am not fond of. Audrey is too popular right now, and I don’t care for it with Valeska. And I just don’t like Emersyn. I feel like we need a simpler name to go with Valeska.
Some other first names I like: Blake, Drew, Isla
So, what do you think? Is Elle strong enough to stand on its own? What other names do you recommend?
Thanks so much!

If you love the name Elle but it’s not enough for him, and if you have an Anne you’d enjoy honoring, then I suggest the name Annabelle. You could still call her Elle if you wanted to, but your husband would have more to say. But perhaps the name is too similar to her sisters’ names: the Elle very close to Val, but even more the -annah of Savannah with the Anna- of Annabelle.

Another option is Stella, which eliminates the sound-alike issues. Stella Holland; Valerie, Savannah, and Stella.

One fun way to tie all three girls’ names together would be to use a name with a V sound in it: Avery, Victoria, Evelyn, Eva, Violet, Genevieve, Ivy, Veronica, Silvie. But there is already a V in the middle name, so that does result in quite a bit of V. My favorite is Eva Valeska: Eva is relatively simple, and similar in some ways to Elle.

I don’t think I would use Blake or Drew; they seem too boyish with the only-for-girls names Valerie and Savannah. Isla is great with Valerie and Savannah, but seems geographical with the surname (Isle and Holland).

His choice of Valeska Rose suggests to me the idea of swapping the names: Rose Valeska gives you the simplicity you’d prefer, while using a name he loves. And while Rose is very common as a middle name, it is still relatively uncommon as a first name. Rose Holland; Valerie, Savannah, and Rose.

17 thoughts on “Baby Girl Holland, Sister to Valerie and Savannah

  1. StephLove

    I really like the suggestions of Eva and Rose.

    I know a family with a daughter named Merichel, which they chose thinking they’d call her Elle (although they don’t– but they could, and so could you).

  2. Gail

    Maybe Laurel or Mirabel or Estelle? I also love Jael.

    Agree with everything Swistle has said, and think Rose Valeska is awesome.

  3. Moomoo

    Eva is waaaaaaaaaaaaay too common these days. The other girls names are not. I second Rose Valeska. The ‘v’ link is there, you have a short but full first name with a beautiful meaning, and it flows well.

  4. Anonymous

    I like the idea of tying all the names together with the letter V too. It is such a cool letter!

    Nova Valeska
    Ivy Valeska
    Avalon Valeska
    Yvette Valeska
    Evie Valeska
    Aven Valeska

    Good luck!

  5. Lucy Bea

    Rose Valeska is my favorite suggestion. I also like Charlotte, Clementine, Lucille, Rosalie, Magnolia, Abigail, and Rebecca

  6. Laura

    Annabelle Valeska Holland is just about the best name I have ever heard of. Then again, I often say that when I read Swistle’s suggestions. She is a master namer.

    Other thoughts I had:

    Amelia Valeska
    Eugenie Valeska
    Phoebe Valeska
    Zoe Valeska

  7. Anonymous

    We named our daughter Ellery with the intention of calling her Elle when she’s older. Ellery would give you the extra “umpf” instead of Elle; however Ellery sounds similar to Valerie so it may not work. Just a suggestion.

  8. Bitts

    My daughter’s name is Rose, and it is an swesome name, let me tell you!! It’s easy to spell and pronounce, but we have NEVER met another child her age named Rose.

    And “Rose Valeska Holland” is almost the most stunning name ever. Our last name is a lot like “Holland,” also, and I think I flows beautifully!!

  9. jmv

    I think that the name Blaire works well with the sibling set.

    Swistle will cringe at this suggestion, because it is not a standard nickname, but…
    How about Michelle? You could call her Elle and hubs has a “full” name. Valerie, Savannah, and Michelle.

  10. Anonymous

    How about Ella? Very close to Elle but doesn’t sound like a letter, similar to Isla but not geographic, and I just noticed it has the a, e, and double letter from Anne, which might be a bit of a connection there.

  11. Ashlie

    Ella Valeska
    Emma Valeska
    Emery/Emory Valeska
    Lynn Valeska
    Erin Valeska
    Sylvie Valeska
    Quinn Valeska
    Paige Valeska
    Reese Valeska
    Sydney Valeska
    Melanie Valeska
    Leah Valeska
    Piper Valeska
    Gwen Valeska
    Bella Valeska
    Ivy Valeska
    Ruby Valeska


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