Baby Twin Girls G____r

Shea writes:

I have been reading your blog often to find help with names for my twin girls (due October 24). I definitely need some help. I have a 3 yr old named Luke Anderson (goes by Luke). I am a huge fan of last names first, but it seems that two girls with last names first is too much-so I will probably only let one girl have a last name first. We do not have great family names as options, and my husband does not want all three kids to begin with “L” (even though I love lots of girl “L” names like Laurel, Lyndie, Lainey, etc). I also want their first names to be what they go by, as I have hated being called by my first name even though I go by my middle name. Also, our last name is 2 syllables, starts with G and ends in -er. So we don’t want a first name ending in -er. Here are my name suggestions that I like, but am not at all sold on. I am very interested in them having first names that are easily understood, but not so common. Claire seems to be more common than I thought.

“Claire” Elisabeth (not a huge fan of Elisabeth, but need 3 syllables, husband doesn’t love it either)
“Ellis” Catherine (paired a boyish name with a very feminine name, not a huge fan of Catherine either)

Ellis is not your typical girl name, but I can see it working. I’ve tried it out on a couple of people hoping they wouldn’t think I was saying “Alice” and none of them did. Is Ellis too weird for a girl? She could go by Ellie, Elle, or just Ellis. I have always liked Elise, but we have known quite a few lately, so that is no longer an option. I feel like we need better selections of 3-syllable middle names too. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

I think Ellis with work fine, considering the popularity of names such as Ella. Another similar choice is Ellery. Oh, or Ellison.

Depending on how coordinated you want the names to be (I tend to want more coordination for fraternal twins, less for identical twins), a girl name starting in Em might be nice: Ellis and Emerin, Ellery and Emerson.

If you want less coordination, I like names that are not too feminine, because otherwise I feel like the femininity of the feminine name makes the name Ellis seem masculine:

Ellery and Adelyn
Ellery and Delaney (this gives you Laney without an L initial)
Ellery and Hollis (Ellie and Holly)
Ellis and Avery
Ellis and Darcy
Ellis and Jensen
Ellis and Madigan
Ellis and Macy
Ellis and Marin
Ellis and Rowan
Ellis and Shelby
Ellis and Teagan

Elisabeth is 4 syllables. Some 3-syllable possibilities:


Well, I guess that list could go on and on: there are tons of names with 3 syllables, if 3 syllables is what you want. With some first names, I think 2-syllable or 4-syllable middle names sound good too.

Ellis Josephine is nice, or Ellis Melina. With Ellery I think I prefer one syllable: Ellery Jane, Ellery Rose, etc.—but I also like Ellery Sabrina.

I think my favorite set overall is Ellery Jane and Hollis Josephine: Ellie Jane and Holly Jo.

11 thoughts on “Baby Twin Girls G____r

  1. StephLove

    I’m trying for non-surname options that aren’t too frilly so as to make Ellis stand out. Maybe something botanical but NOT flowery, like Ellis & Ivy, or Ellis & Willow. Or a name with a boyish nickname like Ellis & Samantha or Samira for Sam or Sammy or Ellis & Alexandra for Alex.

  2. beyond

    I like Ellis and Claire and their middle names. I think they sounds like sisters without sounding matchy. (I’m personally not a fan of coordinated names for twins.) Luke, Ellis and Claire G___r.
    I like it. (BUT I have to admit: if I saw those names written down, I would probably assume you had two boys and a girl.)
    Maybe you’d also like: Camille, Celia, Harper, Kelsey, Piper.
    Some mn suggestions: Allison, Isabelle, Johanna, Miranda.
    (As Swistle pointed out Elisabeth is 4 syllables, so I’m not sure if you want 4-syllable middle names? Alexandra, Emilia, Nicoletta, Theodora.)
    I like: Claire Alexandra and Piper Emilia; Luke, Claire and Piper.
    Good luck!

  3. Christine

    I like both Ellis and Claire.

    Other surname type names/gender neutral (but still leaning toward girl names) you might like are: Emerson, Taylor, Bailey, Avery, Peyton, etc.

    Other names that remind me of Claire: Grace, Faith, Cara, Flora, Lark, Robin.

    There are a ton of longer 3 and 4 syllable names out there to use as middle names.

    Good luck finding the perfect names!

  4. kanah

    Ellis is super cute for a girl! Claire is good, too, but in my area, it is popular. I too love last names as first names. I wonder if you might like Emilin to go with Ellis. Ellis and Emilin. SO adorable! Here are some more suggestions:

    Ellery (good choice, Swistle)
    Asli (Azlee)

    For 3 syllable MN: Averleigh, Caroline, Madison, Madigan and Melia. Good luck!!

  5. Alison aka Baby B

    I have a name that coordinates with my identical twin’s name (same first initial, same number of letters, but no rhyme and different rhythm). My parents never regretted it, I like it, and the sis likes it. So, take from that what you will.

    I’m just going to throw some pairings out there with Ellis plus random 3 syllable girly middle names I like…
    Ellis Diana and Caris Lillian (phonetically Care-iss)
    Ellis Jacquelyn and Ainsley Samantha
    Ellis Susannah and Kinsey Helena (yes, super in/famous scientist BUT also a real, nice sounding surname name!)
    Ellis Margaret and Quincey Rosalind
    Ellis Natalia and Linden Olivia (Linden is usually a boy name, but it’s a tree so it can be gender neutral, imho!)
    Ellis Verity and Laramie Saphira

    Out of my suggestions, Ainsely Samantha and Linden Olivia are my favorites. Also, I really like Swistle’s suggestion of Darcy!
    How about Ellis Miranda and Darcy Lianna?

  6. Lise

    If you like the name Lainey, but not the idea of all “L” names, how about Alaina, with the nickname of Lainey? Ellis and Alaina sound like siblings to me, although I have to admit that I would assume Ellis was a boy.

  7. sarah

    i don’t think it would be too much to have 2 girls with last name first. i know twin girls recently born named Harper Paige and Campbell Catherine. i like the idea of both having last-name-firsts paired with more feminine middle names.
    Ellis would be great. Another option similar to Hollis is Holland.

  8. The Mrs.

    If I heard “Ellis”, I would think your child was a boy.

    Along the same feeling as Claire and Ellis are: Merris, Cariss, Serene, Tara, Vera, Willa, Zara.

    Do you like Gretchen or Estelle?

    Deirdre or Charity?

    Blythe or Mira?

    Best wishes as you anticipate the arrival of your daughters!

  9. Anonymous

    I like the idea of one syllable first names for all of the children, if you decide not to go with Ellis.

    How about: Shea, Blair, Brynn, Paige, Quinn, Reese, Sloane

    Additional three syllable middle names:



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